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“No fucking way.” I’m so fucking excited and happy that I almost do a whoop right there in my parents’ library.

“Where is it?” I ask.

“It’s in a small scrapyard in Wyoming! I’m looking at it right now!”

“How badly damaged is it?”

“It’s intact enough.” He’s almost as breathless as me.

“I can’t fucking believe it.” I run my hands through my hair, my heart pounding at a thunderous pace. Excitement and dread both war inside me right now.

“I can’t either, boss, but it’s here, and it’s exactly what you need.”

“Do whatever you need to for them to release it to you. I’ll send the money and transportation first thing in the morning. Good fucking work!”

“Will do.”

He knows how important this is. I trust him fully to make sure nothing happens to it until I can get it back here and turn it over to the police.

I hang up and pace the room as my mind swirls with the implications of what this may mean for my sisters and me. What it will mean for everyone involved.

It’s a heavy feeling, but it also feels like a small, bright light shining at the end of a dark tunnel. The only way out is toward that light.

The door swings open and bangs against the wall so loudly that it startles me. Malcom stands in the doorway, fuming. I can tell from the small ticks in his cheek and the way his right hand is balled into a tight fist that he’s losing control over himself.

I’ve learned my father’s expressions over the years, particularly when to stay away. This would have been one of those moments if I wasn’t completely fucking done with this man. The smug expression on his face tells me he might have heard the end of my conversation. That look makes me want to put my fist through his face. I school my features. I need to keep calm and let him rage.

“You know I’m not the one you want to fuck with, Andrew. Whatever you’re up to, put a stop to it now!” There’s a finality in his tone. One I’m used to, but I’m not intimidated by him anymore.

“I’m done. You don’t get to threaten me into silence anymore,” I say with an eerily calm voice. I mean every word, too. He doesn’t run my life now. I do. I’ve let him do that for far too long.

“You’ll never be done with me, boy. I’ve made sure of that.” His arrogance radiates off him in waves. I think about all the threats, all the ways this man has silenced me in the past decade. All the things I’ve done to keep Andrea and Addy safe. All the ways he has directly threatened their lives.

And that’s when I snap.

I know I shouldn’t confront him. It’s not time yet, but when I think about what he’s done to Andrea and Addy—how they both almost died because of him—I lose it. I’ve stayed silent long enough.

In a low and menacing tone, I make it very clear where the two of us stand. “All your dirty deeds are about to come out. Everyone will finally know exactly who the fuck you are.” My heart is beating so hard and fast it feels like it’s going to explode in my chest.

Malcom charges forward, his thin control snapping. I don’t back away like I have in the past. I square my shoulders. I’m done being afraid of him. It’s time for him to face the man I am now.

He’s already done his best to ruin my life and the lives of my sisters. My sisters are doing well despite his efforts to destroy them. When he’s finally exposed and all this is over, I’ll have my life back. I’ll be able to live it how I want, and I want that life with Charlie. Now more than ever, I know exactly where I want to be is with her.

Malcom speaks through gritted teeth. “You will fucking stop this. If you don’t, your sisters will be the ones to pay. We both know how dedicated you are to them. You won’t let any harm come to them.”

“Malcom Shaw!” My mom’s voice gains our attention. She’s standing in the doorway where Malcom was moments ago.

My eyes lock on hers as Malcom steps back, allowing space between us. He turns to face her without bothering to hide the rage that now fills his eyes. She’s visibly shocked at the words that just left Malcom’s lips. She’s never been much of a mother—not in a nurturing, traditional way—but I don’t think even she would have been okay with the things Malcom has done to us, their own children.

“Katherine, wait for me upstairs. This is between me and our son. It doesn’t concern you.” His voice is commanding, the way he’s always spoken to her. He expects her to turn and tuck tail like she always fucking does, but to my surprise, she doesn’t.

“No, Malcom, I won’t.” She draws in a deep breath to steady her voice. “I want to know what’s going on, and I want to know right now!” Her voice comes out strong at first, then her nerves show.

She’s terrified. I can tell from the way her eyes dart around the room, refusing to fall on the one man who has ruled this house with an iron fist.

Malcom’s face turns red, his control slipping even further as rage fills him. “Katherine! I said wait for me upstairs!” he roars at her, spittle flying from his lips as his voice echoes throughout the room.

I can’t contain my laughter. I know I must look deranged, but this is years and years of pent-up rage and heartbreak warring inside me as the truth reveals itself. They both look at me in disbelief. The perfect façade he’s spent our entire lives building is dissipating right in front of him. This is just the beginning of Malcom Shaw getting what he deserves.

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