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When she whispers, “Me, too,” I nearly come undone. Today has been a rollercoaster of emotions, but this right here? This is my haven, my place of refuge to finally be me.

I spend the next hour making her come as hard as I can. Multiple orgasms were definitely on the menu. My cock spent and aching in my hand, I end the call, wishing more than anything that I was there with her.

I wish all this shit would just go away and I could be normal. That my family could be normal. That wish won’t come true, though. There’s no chance of it now. Not anymore. I just have to find the best way to break my sisters’ hearts. My gut churns just thinking about what’s coming.

Nothing good, that’s for sure.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I don’t know what’s going on with Andrew, but I’m worried. I don’t know if I should mention something to Andrea or not. The indecision is driving me crazy.

I don’t want to break Andrew’s trust by running to his sister at the first sign of something being off, but he still hasn’t talked to me. I don’t know what to do.

We’ve texted here and there since the epic phone sex session two days ago, but he’s been more distant in our conversations. Something is bothering him. I just don’t know what it is or how to help him.

And that’s a problem for me. I want him to need me, to tell me what’s going on so we can work through it together. Even though he’s admitted he has feelings for me on multiple occasions, it still doesn’t feel like we’re to the point in our relationship where he trusts me.

I blow out a frustrated breath while pounding the dough a little too hard. This is why I love baking so much. I get to release all my pent-up frustration and make something damn yummy. Plus, nobody knows I was back here beating the hell out of it.

“Charlie!” Andrea yells from the front window. I look over to see an overly painted smile on her face with wide eyes.

“You didn’t tell me your parents were in town!”

“Where is our darling daughter?” meets my ears, and I instantly recognize the voice.

I throw down the dough I’m working with and hurry through the open door to the front. As soon as I step in the front area, I see my parents standing at the register with wide smiles on both of their faces. I rush over and wrap them both in a hug.

“Ahhh! I didn’t know you would be here this morning!” I’m overwhelmed with happiness to see them. It’s been too long.

We hug for what feels like several minutes. I let their warmth comfort and surround me. I’ve been worried sick about my father ever since they called a few days ago.

I finally let go and stand back to take my dad in. My eyes scan over his tall figure. He’s dressed in casual shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, and flip-flops. His salt and pepper hair is slicked back out of his face. He has a normal, carefree expression on his handsome face, but I can tell he’s lost a little weight. Not enough to be concerned, but enough to notice.

He also looks a little tired, but his color is great. They have a sun-kissed glow on their faces since they’ve been vacationing in Florida on the beach.

I relax a little now that I’ve seen him in person. He doesn’t look sick, so my worries take a back seat. My mother takes me around both arms and pulls me in for a hug, just her and me.

I breathe in her scent, a mix of vanilla and spice. It’s a smell that’s uniquely hers. It helps me immediately relax in her embrace. I didn’t realize just how much I’ve missed her until this moment, and I tear up a little.

So much has happened and changed since the last time I saw them. I almost feel like a different person, but not quite. We have so much catching up to do.

She pulls back. “We wanted to surprise you, my dear.” Her hands go to my cheeks, her warm and vibrant green eyes taking me in just as much as I’m taking her in. Her hair is wild and flows down her back in loose curls. She has on a beautiful, stylish summer dress in the most vibrant yellow. She leans in to kiss me from cheek to cheek, and whispers, “you look different, my love. What has you so enamored?”

My eyes go wide, shocked that she’s picked up on my very thoughts just seconds prior. I haven’t told them about Andrew. It’s too new, and frankly, the seriousness of our relationship scares me. Telling them scares me even more.

I know they’ll be happy, and there’s no reason for me to be scared. Maybe scared isn’t the right word. Nervous? Apprehensive? Don’t want to jinx it? All I know is my mother has sniffed it out within two minutes of being in my presence. That doesn’t bode well for me keeping this to myself much longer.

“Mom, Dad, I want you to meet Andrea!” Hello, deflection. I turn to find Andrea is still behind the counter. Luckily, the café is quiet right now.

They both turn toward her with warm, welcoming smiles on their faces. Andrea holds out her hand to shake theirs and a knowing smirk curves my lips.

“Ah, this is the Andrea?” my mother asks as she makes her way over to my best friend.

Mom ignores Andrea’s outstretched hand from across the counter entirely for a different type of greeting. Before Andrea knows what hit her, she’s wrapped in my mother’s arms in a big hug. My parents are huggers. They’ve never met a stranger. That may be where I’ve gotten my all-too-friendly demeanor from.

I smile as I watch the two of them interact. Andrea immediately relaxes around my mother. Mom just has that way about her. I call it her gift. Dad says it’s just in her nature. Whatever you want to call it, people just gravitate toward her.

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