Page 50 of There I Find Trust

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They laughed together as they walked back up the sidewalk. Chi hadn’t figured anything out, nothing more than Griff was a good man, and she admired him because of that, not because of what he had.

But she really couldn’t expect him to believe that. After all, she’d been drawn to James, and it was obvious to her now that what she liked was what he had, not who he was.

She parted ways with Sunday at the diner, with Chi going around back, a little sad because Griff was no longer upstairs with her. Maybe it was selfish thinking, and she didn’t even realize it. Turning the thought around, she said a short prayer, thanking God Griff had been there for Rodney, and Rodney wasn’t alone.

Funny, after she was done, she was smiling, not because she was happy for Rodney exactly, but because it felt good to be happy for other people. She supposed that was part of taking the focus off of oneself and thinking about others. She stopped seeing her own problems, when she put her focus on others.

Maybe she was more selfish than she realized.

Determined to do better, not just in that area, but in so many other areas, because she would have said that she was pretty much okay, but it was funny how just in the past week she’d seen how much she needed to grow.

Maybe Griff deserved someone better than she. Someone with as much character as what he had.

The thought made her sad, and she turned her thoughts toward the next day, and tried to think who she could ask to help her in the diner. Tried to think that it was an opportunity for someone to be a blessing to her, rather than her being an imposition to someone. And she had Griff to thank for that mindset change.

Chapter 18

“Can I talk to you for a minute?”

Becky walked into the living room where Kristin sat with Luke. The older ladies had gone to bed, and Kristin thought Becky and her sister were in bed as well.

“You can,” Luke said, giving Kristin a look.

Kristin could read that easily. He was curious and concerned. Becky was not dressed in her nightclothes. She had street clothes on and she carried her coat.

“I promised you that I wouldn’t sneak out of the house anymore.”

“And as far as I know you’ve kept that promise. That goes a long way toward helping us to trust you in the future.” Luke spoke easily, but his hand moved from the book he had been reading to Kristin’s. He threaded their fingers together and squeezed.

She liked that sign that they were a team.

“So I’m asking you now if I can go out for a bit.”

“Can you tell us what you’re going to do?” Kristin asked.

Becky bit her lip. She hung her head for a moment, not in discouragement, but almost as though she were considering whether she should tell them or whether she shouldn’t.

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