Page 23 of There I Find Trust

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Several hours had gone by, and at least two inches of snow lay on the ground before he grabbed an armful of wood and carried it over to the porch.

He made several trips like that, with armfuls of wood, until he had enough to last the night. Even if it got down below zero, they would be fine.

The cabin was snug and cozy, and once he got a fire going, they would be toasty warm.

She would want to keep her bedroom door open, just so the heat could drift in, but beyond that, it would be just as snug as being in a house with electricity. Even more so probably.

He loved the smell of the woodstove and usually really enjoyed the time he got to spend here.

He hardly thought that Chi would enjoy it. This was the kind of thing, simple and peaceful, that he enjoyed. Chi was always about prestige and whatever security or looks she felt like she got from her lawyer.

Griff supposed not everybody had learned the way he had years ago that that stuff didn’t mean anything. It was just as empty as the life he lived before that. Maybe not as dangerous, but empty all the same.

But maybe Chi would have done a lot of good with the money that she would have gotten. Maybe she would still find someone who would give her that life. Maybe she just needed to regroup and refocus her efforts on someone else.

With that thought, he picked up the last armful of wood, carried it onto the back porch, and walked in the door. He’d avoided her long enough; it was time that he faced up to what he had done.

Chapter 9

When Griff dumped the first armload of wood on the back porch, it startled Chi.

She hadn’t considered that she wouldn’t be able to actually cook anything until he came in and started a fire. Instead, not wanting to waste her phone’s battery, she’d turned off the flashlight app and settled down in a chair to wait.

Time passed, with nothing but the muffled thump of axe on wood to mark it, and Chi dozed off until the sudden clatter of wood just outside the door shook her awake. Blinking sleepily, she stretched stiff limbs, then walked out and saw the wood.

She’d already found matches, and she supposed she could try her hand at starting a fire.

The stove had been cleaned out, so she looked around for a little bit of kindling.

Seeing the box off in the corner of the porch, she grabbed a few small pieces, along with a couple hunks of wood, and took a moment to admire the change in the landscape.

Everything had been brown when she walked in. Now it was covered with a pretty blanket of white snow.

If it were light out, the entire woods would be covered in a blanket of snow, which would be beautiful.

Maybe tomorrow she’d see it.

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