Page 29 of Let's Play Pretend

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“Brigid and I were left to ourselves most of our lives. We were always trying to make the house look better. Moving things around, decorating. Watching HGTV and movies became our escape. It gave me a way to live lives that were better than my own. Or at least more exciting, in ways that didn’t feel so dark and overwhelming. My parents met at an audition. They both had dreams of fame but that didn’t pan out. I think Dad hopes one of us will strike gold with our acting. Or, truthfully, he thinks Brigid will strike gold.”

My heart breaks, but her story only makes me more determined to make those big dreams of hers a reality. She will never feel second best again.

“Well, from what I’ve seen so far, you’d be a clean sweep for an Oscar. You aren’t just acting when it comes to us, are you? Youaremy daughter.”

“It helps to have such a talented leading man,” she says, her eyes lingering on mine. “Or, should I say, leading Daddy…”

“The latter. You call me daddy. No matter who’s around. And yes, I am your leading man and you have no idea just how talented I can be.”

She lowers her gaze, her chest rising and falling as I scan the eyes around us, jealousy boiling in my blood for any man that’s looking her way.

Luckily for them, they’re not.

“And what...” She gulps. “What do you do? Apart from hiring unknown actresses to play the part of your daughter for unknown reasons.”

Blackjack. Private rooms running high stakes poker games. Roulette for fun. But, the big money is in Ponzi schemes. Money laundering. High risk investments that I’ll get backers on, before pulling the rug out but making sure I look like I’ve taken as big a hit as everyone else.

Smoke. Mirrors. Money.

“A little of this, a little of that.”

Her nose scrunches adorably and it’s taking all of me not to stuff my tongue down her throat, giving zero fucks who is watching. But, getting through the next twenty hours playing these parts will set things up for us for life. I need to stay frosty and keep on task.

But, there’s something about this girl. The walking dead man I was is thawing. I want to live and not just for me.

For her.

For us.

For what I could be with her at my side.

As my muse. My babygirl. My wife. The mother of my children.

All the potential rushes through me with a crushing level of emotion I’ve never felt. My vision blurs. She’s quickly defrosting the ice block of my heart but I remind myself, if I’m in danger and she’s in my life, she’s in danger.

And that is an impossible price to pay.

Stay in your lane, Dietrich, get this one done right. Then, oh then, it’s game on, little girl.

“How descriptive,” she teases. “Is there anything at all I’mallowedto know about you?”

I tilt my head side to side, debating on what I want her to know. I’ve never been ashamed of where I came from, but since the moment I met her I’ve wanted to be something different. Something better. The kind of man that deserves someone like her.

“I’m from Florida.” I decide to tell her a cent of truth. “I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and I didn’t have a lot of resources to get out of that situation. So, I made any deal, did any job it took to get me out of that crappy little neighborhood and never want for anything ever again. Recently—”

I pause, and shake my head, but she holds my gaze.


“It’s nothing,” I start, but then decide, what the hell? If I’m in, I’m all in, and she needs to know that there’s more to me than this con. “Recently I’ve been writing a book. On and off. How to read people, how to see what they want from you. Everyone wants something.”

Her warm eyes linger on me, studying. “And what about you? Do you have everything you want in life?”

“I thought so. But recently I’ve had a change of heart.” I lean in close, as I whisper in her ear. “Like your lips around my cock. If you fuck as good as you suck, I’ll have you bred with me in no time. You’ll give your father the ultimate gift. Your lollipop cherry and a baby on top.”

I pull back, watching her pupils turn to pin pricks as crimson rages on her cheeks. But she doesn’t pull away. She doesn’t tell me to fuck off or knee me in the balls, which I’m sure would be appropriate.

I have to grit my teeth not to pull her away and find some bathroom or dark corner to bury myself between her legs and fuck her senseless.

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