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She’s lying on her back, her eyes open with her lids hooded. She looks serene, the usual tightness around her eyes gone.

“I felt it through the floor.”

“The vibrations?”

“Yeah. And I… you’ll think I’m weird.”

“Try me.”

“I just… I kept seeing clouds. Kind of like I was dreaming. But I wasn’t asleep.”

“That’s not weird. You were in a meditative state.”

She inhales, then lets it out slowly. “Dad used to look at the clouds with me when I was a kid. We would watch for shapes. The weirder, the better.” She smiles. “If I ever worried about anything, he would tell me to look for the silver lining. He said there always was one. We always planned to go up in a hot air balloon together, because I said I wanted to look and find it.”

Rose’s eyes dart to Emma at the front of the room as she stacks up the singing bowls.

“It’s fine. Take your time,” I whisper.

The rest of the class have left already. We are the only two here, along with Emma, who knows when it’s someone’s first time, they might need that little extra time to come back from wherever they went. She continues packing up quietly. But Rose is already on her knees rolling her duvet up.

“Thank you so much,” she calls to Emma as she stands.

Emma smiles and walks over.

“How did you find your first time?”

“It was incredible,” Rose breathes with complete sincerity. “The vibrations through the floor were odd at first, but then I kind of got lost in the sound, like it was only me here and no one else. I saw memories like a movie playing in my head. Ones I haven’t thought about in a while.”

“That’s great. It’s a very powerful thing. The more you do it, the more you’ll be able to bring those feelings of peace and calm with you into each day. And call on them when you need them. It was lovely to meet you, I hope to see you again. Bye, Dax.”

We head outside and retrieve our shoes. Rose has a faraway look on her face as she stares off through the woods. It’s getting dark.

“Do you want to try something else I sometimes do after a class?”

She smiles. “Sure.”

“I just write it?”


“Whatever I want?”

“Whatever you want.”

She chews on her bottom lip, her bare legs spread out over the grass lawn behind the main house. “So I could wish for a new life?”

I frown as I hand her the small notepad and pen.

“If you had a new life, then you wouldn’t be you anymore.”

“You say it like it’s a bad thing.” Her hand catches mine as she takes the pad, and a fission of electricity darts up my arm.

“It would be for me.”

Her lips part and she rounds her big blue eyes on me.

“Write it down, Sunbeam,” I say, turning away. “It’s time to let that shit go.”

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