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I pull her up the steps and drop to one knee on the deck in front of her, running a hand up her inner thigh, my fingers dusting the smooth, exposed skin.

“Dax, what are you—?”

I hold her gaze as I take the zip of her boot between my fingers and slide it slowly all the way to her ankle.

“No shoes inside.”

She glances to the door of the cabin again, then back to me, lifting her foot from her boot and placing it down, then shifting her weight as I remove the other one for her.

“Oh… right.”

I stand and yank my sneakers and socks off, placing them down next to hers.

“Come on.”

I walk us inside, and Emma, the class instructor, waves a hand in greeting, walking over to us.

“Hello, Dax.”

I smile at her. “Emma, this is Rose. Rose, Emma.”

“Hi.” Rose smiles at Emma shyly, her eyes darting around the room at the mats laid out on the floor.

“Is this your first sound bath?”

“Um…” Rose looks at me, then her eyes land on the large circular gong and various sized singing bowls set up at the front of the room. “Oh, yes. I’ve heard of them, but I’ve never been to one.”

“Well, Dax is a regular. I’m sure he can help you get set up?”

I nod.

“It’s an hour-long meditation,” she says to Rose. “I will use the gong and bowls to create sound frequencies that help to rebalance your inner vibration. Think of your inner self as having a frequency. When your vibration is running to optimum, the signal is clear. But many things in our daily lives can imbalance us—whether it be something emotional we are holding on to, or something physical. I would ask that once you’re settled, you set yourself an intention for today. Think about what you need help with. What seems out of balance. The more specific you can be, the more you will take away with you tonight. Some people find it quite an emotional experience, so I have tissues at the front should you need them.” Emma squeezes Rose on the forearm and then moves past us to speak with another participant.

“I won’t need tissues. I never cry,” Rose murmurs as she continues to gaze around the room. “Do you come here a lot?”

I take us over to two side-by-side matts with rolled up duvets and pillows next to them.

“Once or twice a month.”

She sits down on one of the matts, looking around the room at the twelve other spaces that are already filled.

“And what intention do you set? Sorry.” She brings her clear eyes back to mine. “I shouldn’t ask that.”

“It’s fine.” I lay her pillow out and unroll her duvet. “I use it as a method to control my anger.”

“You have a lot of that?”

I encourage her to lie back onto the pillow and pull the duvet up over her.

“Sometimes.” I give her a small smile. “But mostly, it’s to keep Jasmin off my back. She doesn’t want me to almost kill someone and get locked up again.”

“Oh.” Rose gazes up at me, and I brush a strand of hair from her eyes.

“Turns out, I enjoy them. But don’t tell her that.” I smirk as I take my position and Emma starts the class.

For the next hour, I bathe in vibration and sounds that pull me from my body and let me relax. To clear my mind of work. Of Julian Young. Of revenge. Of all things underhand and impure and ugly and dirty that I am involved in. They all drift away until I am left with the incredible inner calm I feel when I am here. Only this time, it’s infused with the scent of vanilla and petals. And it calls to me like nothing ever has before.

“How did you find it?” I ask Rose as the class ends and everyone else leaves.

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