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“Why?” I pressed. “Kai, think!”

He drew in a shaky breath. “I think she’s mad at us, Pax.”

I also sank onto one of the chairs, my pulse racing. “Why? Why now? Did you say something to her?”

“No! But she’s been different since Turin. We should never have gone there. I told you we shouldn’t have taken her there!”

“It’s not Turin,” I growled angrily. “She hasn’t felt safe since the car accident.”

I drummed my fingers against the shiny surface of the table and stood abruptly, picking up the pacing where Kai had left off. “Have you checked the account? Where she had the million?”

Kai’s mouth gaped, and he shook his head. “You think she took it?”

“I don’t know. I mean… she has some money, but she might have used some of the million—” My eyes dilated. “The bookstore! There’s an apartment up there!”

Kai nodded and also stood, relief coloring his face. “She loves that place.”

“Let’s go see if she’s there.” I started toward the door, but Kai called out to stop me.

“You didn’t see her, Pax. She really just wanted me to leave her alone. I begged her to talk to me…”

“You’re not me,” I told him grimly. “Come on. Let’s go find our woman.”

* * *

Jamie’s security detail sat outside the bookshop on Monroe, confirming what I’d already suspected, but now that we were parked by the location, I was having the same second thoughts that Kai had shared.

She didn’t just up and come here without any thought. She was there for a reason.

I tried her phone again, but it was still off.

“Maybe we should give her some space?” Kai offered nervously, glancing through the darkness toward the dimly lit apartment overhead.

I didn’t respond as I stepped out of my Porsche and headed toward the security van. The guard rolled down the window when he recognized me. “How long has she been up there?” I demanded.

The kid, Winslow, eyed me sheepishly.

“A few hours, Mr. Webb. I wasn’t sure if we were supposed to call you if she didn’t come home.”

“You weren’t,” I told him coldly. “Your job is to make sure she’s safe, not give me updates on her movements.”

Winslow looked relieved but curious. “Then why are you here?”

I scowled at him. “Do I pay you to question me?”

“N-no, sir.”

“Is she alone?”

“Yes, sir.”

I nodded and retreated back to the car where Kai waited. Dawn began to peek over the Chicago skyline, street-sweepers grumbling down the roadways as we debated what to do next.

This was new territory for me, chasing a woman.

“Should we wait until Linc gets back?” Kai suggested.

That wasn’t a bad idea.

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