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“Just let us look you over,” he growled, shooting Lincoln a scathing look. “You promised that everything would be fine here without security.”

My blood ran cold as we re-entered the villa through the front doors, Paxton laying me on the pristine, white sofa. In my hazy head, I was worried about dirtying it and tried to roll off it.

“It was obviously rotted,” Lincoln muttered. “This was an accident, nothing more.”

There are too many accidents around me. The car, the poisoning, now this?

The man in the bushes popped back into my head. It hadn’t been Sergio, but Ihadrecognized him. But from where? Why did I know him, and why had he been hiding?

Why did I know some random guy in Italy?

The questions only toyed with my already jumbled mind, and I didn’t put them to my lovers. They were stressed enough without me adding to it.

“Look at me, Mylee,” Kai begged, kneeling in front of me.

“Kai, go get her some water,” Paxton ordered.

“Yougo get her some water,” he growled, and I had to smile at him being assertive.

“I’m okay,” I promised them. “I’m not hurt, I swear. Linc’s right. It’s an old balcony. When was the last time you had it serviced?”

“Sergio is responsible for all that,” Lincoln muttered, anger returning to his face. “I should have double checked everything.”

“This isn’t your fault,” I reassured him. “Accidents happen, and I’m fine. Honestly.”

Lincoln began to pace around the elegant living room, his distress evident.

“We should have brought the security team with us,” he mumbled, more to himself than to us.

“That wouldn’t have saved me from going over the balcony,” I said, sitting up.

Kai moved to help me, and I waved him off.

“I’m okay,” I said again. “Honestly. Come on, guys. You know I can take care of myself. I’ve been showing you that since the first day I met you.”

They eyed me, an identical smirk forming on their lips.

“And while I appreciate the added security…”

I trailed off, my heart suddenly leaping into my throat.

“Mylee?” Lincoln crouched at Kai’s side as Paxton moved off to find me a glass of water. “What’s wrong?”

I shook my head and forced a smile I wasn’t feeling, my heart in my stomach as I realized where I recognized the man in the bushes from now.

Richard. He was the man from the first day I’d met the Silverpiece princes. The one Paxton had punched out in the café when I had tried to throw him out.

What the hell was Richard doing out here?

“Mylee, what is it?” Lincoln pressed. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“I could use a lie-down for a bit,” I murmured, trying to piece together what was happening.

“That’s a great idea,” Kai conceded, as Paxton returned from the kitchen with her water. “I’ll lie down with you.”


Kai looked like I’d slapped him in the face. “No?”

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