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So much fog. I couldn’t see anything in front of me as I stumbled through, my hands extended, looking for an exit.

“Mama? Mama, where are you?”

My hands reached out to grab for my mother, but she was gone, disappearing into the thick, my eyes blurring.

“Mylee! Mylee!”

She called out to me, but it wasn’t my mother. The voice was deeper, scared, and male. “Mylee, stay with me, baby!”

The fog swam around me, threatening to take me under, weird, strobing lights popping in the denseness.


I stopped and sat in the swamp, pulling my knees to my chest. My filthy nightgown littered in holes, soaked in grime and grease.

“Mama?” I whispered, a sleepiness taking over me, darkness replacing the fog.

I was so tired now, ready to rest. Mama wasn’t there. She had succumbed to the fog.

Maybe it was time for me to do the same.

A blow to my chest popped my eyes wide open, and I choked, sputtering.

“Mylee!” Paxton’s face hovered over me, and I blinked, wheezing, my vision coming and going.

“Step back, sir,” someone said, and I again fell into darkness.

In and out the voices came and went, some familiar, some not so much. The fog returned, calling out to me, but it diminished as time passed, although I didn’t know how much or how long I floated through my own subconscious, listening, trying to grasp onto something that wasn’t there anymore.

“Mylee, stay with us.”

“What the hell happened?”

“Why weren’t you watching her?”

I tried to tell Lincoln that it wasn’t Paxton’s fault, that he hadn’t hurt me, but words were impossible, and again, I fell away and let myself drown in the blackness that encompassed me.

Then there was only night and silence, the haze gone entirely, and I slept.

When my eyes opened again, a steady beep filled my ears, and my vision blurred some as I took in the outline of three familiar shapes hovered around my hospital bed.


I barely had my lids parted when Kai’s face fell level with mine, the concern etched deeply in his blue eyes. I grimaced lightly, but before I could speak, Lincoln and Paxton appeared at his side.

“Oh, thank god!” Lincoln choked, his face rugged and drawn.

He ran a hand over his five o’clock shadow. Paxton’s mouth parted, but no sound came out.

I’d never seen any of them look so rough, but I thought it was the haze of my vision that made them seem that way.

“How are you feeling?” Paxton asked, reaching for my hand.

My palm was ghastly white, and I tried to swallow, but my throat felt like cotton.

“W-what…?” I started to speak, but the words were interrupted by a hacking cough.

“Get her some water, Kai,” Paxton ordered.

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