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“As I live and breathe, Kai Evans!”

“They let you out of your cage, huh, Kai?”

“What? No babysitters today, Kai?”

I expected Mylee to unhook herself from me when the flock of jeering businessmen descended, but she only held on tighter, keeping close to my side.

“Andwhois this?” Paul Kaur demanded, standing far too close to us. Half a bottle of Gucci cologne permeated his pores, and I physically had to turn away.

I caught Mylee’s pained expression as I did, her own nose wrinkling.

“Mylee Lynn,” she introduced herself, extending her free hand toward him. “And you are?”

“Paul Kaur, honey. Kohler Investments. I had no idea that Kai was hiding such a pretty girlfriend!” Paul said.

I bristled, both at Paul’s shamelessness and his implication that I couldn’t land someone as beautiful as Mylee.

“Our Kai is full of incredible feats, isn’t he?” Mylee answered smoothly but icily. “I’m sure he wouldn’t reveal all his secrets to justanyone. Come on, Kai. Didn’t you promise to introduce me to some important people?”

With that, she steered me away from Paul as I stared at her in awe. “That was… masterful.”

“I’ve been dealing with fucking idiots my whole life,” she muttered under her breath. “Don’t sweat it.”

I found her a glass of champagne, and she accepted it, remaining close as we did our rounds. True to her word, she kept quiet for the most part, smiling and nodding, adding to the conversation only when she was a hundred percent confident. But for the most part, she played the role of our assistant, piquing the interest of the tech crowd, who all made a point to venture by and find out her name.

Whenever anyone asked what she did or where she was from, Mylee skillfully managed to shift the conversation away from her and toward the company, asking questions of her own.

She had done her research, and while she did not know much about tech, she did know about Silverpiece’s numbers and history.

She was way more than just a pretty face. I was worried about nothing.

With Mylee at my side, I grew more emboldened, and for the first time in longer than I could remember, I found myself partially enjoying the event. I was shocked when they called it to an end, and we were still there. Usually, I was the first one out.

Mylee’s cheeks were flushed, adrenaline jazzing her up when we descended back toward the waiting car.

“We survived it,” Mylee whispered in my ear, the warmth of her breath sending shivers through me.

I gave her a sidelong look. “You did well for your first event.”

“Yeah? You gonna give me a good report to Linc?”

I grinned, helping her through the revolving door. “I think you already have a good grade with Lincoln.”

She eyed me curiously. “What does that mean?”

I shrugged. “I get the sense that you get along just fine with everyone, Mylee. That’s why you got this gig, isn’t it?”

She studied me like she was trying to figure out if I was insulting her. “I’m just trying to make it work.”

“And you’re doing fine.”

Charlie opened the car door for us, and I waited for Mylee to climb in, but she stared at me a minute before she entered.

“What?” I sighed. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head. “Nothing. I just want you to know that you did a great job, too. I see the way that everyone looks at you. You’re obviously very respected and admired in these circles. Thank you for letting me be your date today.”


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