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“We have our own machine here,” Kai told me, leaning forward to pick up his own phone from the table, his face crunching slightly as if he was reading something displeasing.

“No… no, just regular coffee,” I mumbled.

“Just coffee,” Lincoln said to the assistant.

“Right away, Mr. Ray.”

Ginny disappeared, leaving the four of us, and I stared expectantly at the men.

Lincoln sat back casually and cast that same look from yesterday at his partners, the others returning his stare. It instantly made me nervous, and I sat forward.

Were they trying to make me uncomfortable, or was this just the way they operate? It was really hard to get a handle on them when I was outnumbered, and they were so damn hot!

“I don’t mean to be blunt,” I blurted out. “But can you tell me what this is all about?”

Paxton snickered, but Kai nodded approvingly.

“You see?” Lincoln told them. “She’s good. To the point.”

“Good at what, exactly?” I demanded. “You talked about a job, but you’ve seen me serve coffee. Do you need me to run your espresso machine here? Something tells me you don’t need to scout coffeeshops for girls to do that.”

They burst out laughing, but suddenly, I started to feel like I was being mocked. Anger swelled inside me, and I wished I hadn’t wasted the L fare to come here. I stood, and instantly, the trio lost their smiles.

“Woah, hang on,” Lincoln said quickly, dropping his phone on the coffee table. “Where are you going?”

“It’s like you said. I have other things to do today,” I retorted. “I don’t have time for whatever this is. And I don’t like being laughed at.”

“Laughed at?” Paxton echoed, but Lincoln quickly took control of the conversation.

“I’m sorry, Mylee. We didn’t mean to make you feel that way. We’re not laughing at you.”

“It’s starting to feel that way.”

“We’re not,” Paxton insisted. “We’re marveling at you.”

His response fluttered my gut. These guys kept throwing curveballs at me.

“What does that mean?”

“Please sit down for a minute. If you don’t like what we have to say, I’ll send for a car, and you’ll be out of here in ten. We’ll never bother you again. I promise,” Lincoln swore, extending his hand toward the sofa again. “Please, Mylee?”

His tone convinced me, and I sat warily, watching them all with equal skepticism, but curiosity did get the best of me. I had come all this way, after all. The least I could do was hear what they had to say.

“The way you handled yourself yesterday,” Lincoln began. “It was fearless, confident. You don’t often see women put themselves between two men arguing like you did.”

I shrugged nonchalantly. “It really wasn’t a big deal.”

“It is to us,” Kai piped in. “You can be a tremendous asset to us, to our company.”

My eyebrows rose, trying to make sense of their evasiveness. “You’re not telling me how, though. What do you want me to do?”

Again, they looked at each other, and I sighed. “You have to just say it,” I begged. “I thought you had meetings today.”

They snorted in unison, again amused by my frankness.

“We want you to work with us… as an assistant, a companion,” Paxton explained.

My eyebrows shot up so far, I felt them hit my hairline.

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