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I chuckled and offered her the bag. “Thanks. We’ll see you later.”

I had a steady stream of customers after that. Had Megan ever had a Tuesday night as busy as this one? Megan stopped by to check on me twice, but she seemed content that I was doing things properly and went back out among the books to help people find what they needed. I also caught sight of her cleaning up and reshelving after one little girl dressed as a princess had an impressive tantrum and scooped at least thirty books off the shelf in anger before her distracted mother got a hold of her.

They, of course, left without buying anything.

Finally, the crowd thinned.

Megan came back to the register and leaned against me. “Phew.”

“Tell me about it. But also, yay?”

“Definitely yay. Tonight is going to end October’s numbers on a good note. Sorry about dinner.”

“Pfft.” I waved that off. “Don’t worry about it. That’s one of the best things about Italian food. It’s good at any temperature.”

“You are correct. But I also have a microwave in back if needed.”

“I’m good.” I leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “What did Scott and Whitney have to say?”

“You knew it was them?”

“Only when I didn’t see them in the crowd. Then I realized that the Hulk family must have been them. I wonder if they’re going to keep the comic character theme going forever.”

Megan shrugged. “I figure Beckett drives that train. He’s been big into Hulk lately, so it’s not surprising that they went in that direction.”

I waited, expecting her to have something interesting to say about their visit. But she just reached under the counter for the food and opened the bag.

I cleared my throat. “I guess they didn’t stay long?”

“Who? Oh. Scott and Whitney?” Megan shook her head. “Maybe fifteen minutes. They had a good time and are happy to be home.”

I studied her. “Is something wrong?”

“What? No. Of course not.”

I might not be the sharpest tack in the box, but I knew that when a woman protested like that, she meant the opposite. What I didn’t know was what to do about it.

“Was Mia’s busy?”

I took the container labeled “Parm” and flipped it open. Yum. My mouth watered. “Very. I might have seen Wes, but I wasn’t sure.”

“You didn’t go verify?”

“Nah. It didn’t seem like the place for him to yell at me again. And I kind of figure that’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to have to swing by his place and talk to him.”

Megan rested her hand on my arm. “Do you want me to come with you?”

“No. It’ll be okay. He just has to adjust his brain, you know? Of all the guys, he didn’t even suspect I was interested, so I guess he was the most shocked. Everyone else either knew or had at least considered it.” Which basically meant I was terrible at the “secret” part of having a secret crush, but whatever. At the end of the day, it worked out.

“All right. If you change your mind, let me know. And let me know when you go so I can pray for you.”

My eyebrows lifted. “You’d do that?”

“Of course. I already pray for you. And for us. And, well, for everyone in the group but in a different way. I love you, Cody.”

Her words made me stand a little straighter. If there hadn’t been a few customers still browsing, I would have pulled her into my arms. But there were, so I settled for squeezing her hand. “I love you, too. I’ll definitely let you know. Prayer seems like a really good idea for that situation. Well, every situation. You know what I mean.”

Her laugh seemed strained. “I do. Maybe we can talk about that sometime?”

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