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“Aw.” She patted her heart and fluttered her eyelashes.

It shouldn’t turn my insides to goo. I knew she was playing around, but even still. “Do you want to know where we’re going?”

“Nah. Not now. More surprise feels like a good thing. And bonus, we can get home as late as we want, because I’m off tomorrow. Although I feel a little bad about you potentially having a late night and then an early morning.”

Was now the time to let her know I’d taken tomorrow off? Or should I wait and let her figure it out? Since I wasn’t completely sure what her reaction was going to be, I decided to let it ride. If she got upset? Well, it was easy enough to change plans. No one else needed the plane—I’d checked on that with the guys, even though I left off the part about me taking Megan along.

I parked and texted the pilot that we’d arrived, then pushed open my door and popped the trunk.

“What’s in the trunk?” Megan got out of the car and shut her door before wandering over to peek in. “Why are there garment bags in here?”

I reached in and lifted them out. “Do you want to know, or do you want to be surprised?”

She frowned at me, looked at the bags, then frowned at me again. “How am I supposed to choose?”

I shrugged and closed the lid of the trunk, then clicked the lock button on my key fob. “It’s up to you. You’ll find out eventually, so it’s really just a question of when you want to know.”

She slipped her hand into mine, and we started walking toward the airport. I appreciated that we could use a smaller airport for our private plane, rather than needing to navigate the larger ones. Not that we couldn’t use the big airports when needed, but everything took longer when we did.

We went through security and made our way out to the plane.

“Everything’s ready when you are.” The pilot greeted us as we stepped on board.

“Thanks. Just let us get settled.” I hung the garment bags inside the little closet by the door, then gestured for Megan to choose a seat.

She chose the couch and patted the space beside her.

I chuckled and sat. There were still seatbelts. I hooked mine up while she did the same. “All set.”

“Roger that.” The pilot gave a mock salute then disappeared into the cockpit. His voice came over the speakers a moment later. “Flight time should be about an hour and twenty minutes.”

“Hmm.” Megan took my hand and rubbed little circles on the top with her thumb. “What’s an hour and twenty minutes from DC? Florida, maybe?”

She glanced at me and lifted her eyebrows in query.

“Cold.” I gave a mock shudder. “Brr.”

Megan laughed. “Okay. Not Florida. Tennessee, maybe? Although I don’t know what we’d do in Tennessee. Don’t answer that. Um. Hmm. Cape Cod?”

“Warmer.” But now I was going to have to find a reason to fly her to Tennessee. We could go to Graceland and get barbecue in Memphis, if nothing else. That would be a fun excursion.

“Oh, well duh. New York?” She bounced in her seat a little. “Are we going to New York City for the afternoon?”

“We are.” I leaned over and kissed her as the plane started its taxi to the runway. I heard the engine noise change and knew we were about to take off. I probably should have ended the kiss, but instead I let the gravitational forces push us closer together.

Megan didn’t seem to mind.

When we reached our cruising altitude, I put in a DVD of one of the older TV shows she’d mentioned enjoying. “We should have time for two episodes. I’ve never watched this.”

“Seriously?” She clapped her hands. “It’s the best. You’re going to love it. We need popcorn.”

“Okay.” I went to the little galley kitchen in the rear of the plane and stuck a bag in the microwave. I’d been surprised to learn it was fine to have this in the kitchen but it had, in fact, come standard. The plane purchase was one of Scott’s good ideas, and he’d definitely taken the lead in figuring out what we needed. Tristan, of course, handled the legal paperwork.

Sometimes, I wondered what I contributed to our friend group, but they kept me around so I must not be completely dead weight.

When the popcorn finished popping, I dumped it into a bowl and carried it back out to the couch.

“This is the best ever. I’m trying to feel a little guilt about jetting to New York for the afternoon, but I can’t quite work up to it.” Megan reached into the bowl for a handful of popcorn.

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