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But the money was the thing.

I pushed those thoughts aside and shut the door behind Megan.

“What if he saw me?” Megan toed off her shoes and stepped into my arms. “I’m already dodging Kayla.”

“Kayla?” I eased back so I could see her face. “Why?”

Megan sighed. “I mentioned that you’d help set up for the author signing, and I guess since it was after the girls had left on Friday, she made a giant mental leap that meant the two of us were together, and we aren’t lying so…I hedged, but I think she knows.”

I pulled Megan close and rested my cheek on the top of her head. It wasn’t the end of the world. Of course, I’d rather just about anyone other than Kayla know, since she was married to Megan’s brother, but… “It’s going to have to come out eventually.”

“I know. But I’d rather it was because you and I decided it was time.” Megan blew out a breath. “Why is this complicated?”

Maybe we were the ones making it that way? “I don’t know.”

I waited, holding her, to see if she was going to say more. When she didn’t, I stepped back and linked my hand with hers. “Tell me about the author signing.”

Everything in Megan brightened. “It went so well. C. J. was the perfect person to go first. She does all kinds of other in-person events, so she knew what to tweak and the best way to arrange traffic flow. And she was so personable and easy going.”

I grinned and squeezed her hand before tugging her over to the sofa so we could sit. “That’s fantastic. How were sales?”

“I over-ordered, but only by a little. I have two copies each of three different series. But I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to sell them without a problem. She signed them and she’s going to mention in her newsletter that there are signed copies available at the store for her local readers. Since a lot of the in-person events have tapered off for a bit—until the Christmas craft fairs start up—it’s a great chance for people to get them.” Megan snuggled up next to me. “I’m optimistic.”

“That’s good. I’m sorry I didn’t come. I wasn’t sure what to do—I figured a lot of the gang would be coming in and out, and I wasn’t sure if there would be questions.”

Megan snickered. “There were still questions. ‘Did Cody come yet?’ ‘Isn’t he going to come?’ I finally told Wes he should call and ask you himself, because I wasn’t your keeper.”

I laughed. “Oh man. Wes did call. I didn’t answer—I ended up riding the trail down to Mount Vernon and then back up all the way to Gravelly Point. I watched the planes take off and land for a while before riding back home.”

“Fun. I might like to join you if you do that again.” Megan bit her lip. “But you’ll probably have to look over my bike first. I haven’t ridden in a while, and I have no idea what kind of shape it’s in.”

“I can do that. It’d be nice for you to have the option to ride to the store, too. You could park in your back room without any trouble. And it’s faster on days when it’s super cold.”

“On super cold days, I’ll probably drive, but I get what you mean.” Megan tipped her head back and met my gaze.

I brushed a quick kiss across her lips. “What would you like to do with our afternoon?”

“I guess snuggling on the couch isn’t a very good plan.”

It sounded pretty perfect to me, honestly. But it was still a bad idea. There was entirely too much temptation for things to get heated and lines to be crossed. Both of us enjoyed kissing too much for that to be the only thing on the agenda.

I sighed. “Probably not. We could watch a movie?”

“That’s not really any different, is it?” Megan shook her head. “I’m still curled up with you with your lips right there.”

“Hmm.” I leaned close and kissed her.

I always lost track of time when I kissed Megan. There was no room in my head for anything other than her.

Megan put her hand on my chest and pushed as she eased back. She took a deep breath before scooting to create a little more physical distance between us. “We definitely need to figure out what we’re going to do.”

I nodded. “We should go somewhere. I’d say we could take a walk by the water, but if we’re going to try to keep this for us just a little longer, maybe we should head into DC?”

“Okay. Let’s do that. The museums are open until five. Pick one.”

I stood and offered her my hand. She took it and I tugged her to her feet.

“I need to run upstairs and get shoes. I don’t really have a preference, though, so you choose. Please?”

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