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“Jenna?” Megan shook her head. “She’s never said anything other than that they’ve been friends forever, even though they lost touch for a while.”

“Okay.” I was going to let it go. There was no need to see unrequited love everywhere I turned simply because I was struggling with it myself. Well, not love. Unrequited…interest. Yeah, that was a more accurate word. I fell into step beside Megan as she headed out to the parking lot. “Hey. You up for trying desserts at a bakery this afternoon?”

“I might be. You sure you wouldn’t rather go alone?”

I winced. That was a definite jab. I didn’t have to guess who’d spilled the beans. I shot a glare over my shoulder at Whitney. Although it was probably Scott’s fault, since I figured he’d told his wife, who’d then passed along the info. All because I was weak when it came to ice cream. “Should I apologize? I didn’t think you could close early two nights in the same week.”

Megan stopped and heaved a sigh. “No. You’re right. I couldn’t have gone. But I would have wanted to.”

“I’m really sorry. I thought I was making it easier by not tempting you.” Awesome. Way to completely mess that one up. Was I second-guessing and making all the wrong moves because I was trying so hard not to let on how much I enjoyed spending time with her? Which was, of course, making things weird between us.

“I’m a grown woman, Cody. I can make decisions for myself. At least I can when I’m given the opportunity.” Her eyebrows lifted so high they practically disappeared into her hairline.

I hunched my shoulders. “I’m sorry. Again. I really would love for you to come to the bakery with me.”

She frowned at me for several seconds before nodding. “You’ll have to tell me about the Season’s Bounty choices and why their desserts didn’t work. Which bakery?”

“There’s apparently a Swiss bakery near Shirlington. Paige recommended them when I wasn’t excited about her dessert options.”

“What were…” Megan held up a hand as she stopped talking. “Hold that thought. Let’s head to the diner, and you can fill me in there. We don’t need to keep everyone waiting.”

“Sure. See you there.” I gave her a slight smile before I headed to my car.

In a perfect world, the group of us would be better able to figure out rides to church so we weren’t all coming separately. At least with Scott and Whitney and now Austin and Kayla married we’d cut down some. But I always looked around the smallish parking lot and grimaced when I realized just how much of the space we took up.

My route to church took me right past Megan’s townhouse. Maybe I should offer to pick her up. If I explained, she probably wouldn’t think anything of it, would she? More to the point, would any of the guys?

My stomach knotted as I unlocked my car and climbed in. Scott and Austin both seemed to suspect—well,know. I’d all but confirmed it to them. How long, really, was it going to be before Tristan, Wes, and Noah figured it out?

I was going to have to say something to them, wasn’t I?


I started the engine.

No. I didn’t need to talk to the guys because there was nothing going on. Megan and I were friends. It was all we could be. She didn’t want anything more from me, and I was a fool to even consider that it could be any other way.

So. No need to talk to the guys. No need to do anything that I hadn’t already been doing. Just keep on keeping on.

Megan would help me with the desserts today, and then I wouldn’t need her to help me with anything extra and everything would go back to normal.

I switched lanes so I was behind Megan as she drove to the diner. Everyone else was already here and hanging out by the entrance. The diner got busy enough after church that they didn’t seat until the whole party was there.

A little tendril of guilt and embarrassment wrapped itself around my throat. Good thing Megan had been thinking.

“Finally. I was beginning to think you two weren’t going to join us after all.” Whitney sent Megan a pointed look as we approached the group.

“Sorry. We got caught up.”

I sent Megan a grateful glance. “It was my fault. I can go in and let them know we’re here.”

“No. I’ll do it.” Whitney, with Beckett hoisted on her hip, headed inside.

“Nice going, bro. Make the hormonal one’s hangry even worse.” Scott shook his head. “You’re lucky she found crackers in her purse.”

“I’m pretty sure she’d beat you up for calling her hormonal. I’m guessing that, for one, it’s never actually appropriate to call a woman that and, two? It’s not information that, even if true, a woman wants her husband sharing with her friends.” I shook my head and sent Scott a pitying look. “You better hope she doesn’t find out.”

“Who shouldn’t find out what?” Kayla leaned closer, grinning.

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