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“No plans.” I slid my arm around his waist. “Just the usual. Clean the apartment. Play with the cats. Procrastinate grading.”

He laughed. “Minus the cats, that sounds about like my plans. Plus, it’s my week to hit the grocery store. Feel like hanging out? We can procrastinate on grading together.”

It all sounded so settled. Almost like a married couple. And as much as I knew people on the outside would think we’d said “I love you” too fast, I suspected they’d be appalled by my thoughts already straying toward forever. But this was Austin. We’d been friends forever. In so many ways, he knew me almost better than I knew myself. “Yeah. I’d like that.”

“Then it’s a date. Text me when you’re up and we’ll hammer out the details?”

“Sounds like a plan.” A good one, even.

It wasn’t long before we made it to the parking garage and Austin was leaning on my car door, holding me close. We stood there wrapped up in each other long enough that I started to feel the chill seeping in again. A car honked as it drove past.

Austin stepped back.

“I could drive you to your car. Save you the walk?” I opened the car door and sat behind the wheel.

He shook his head. “Nah. Go home. Tell Ada and Charles that I’ll see them tomorrow.”

I grinned. I loved that he loved my cats. It had always been a plus in our relationship. So many people got offended when Charles decided to be aloof. Not Austin. He rolled with it. And then went out of his way to charm the guy. A lot like he’d charmed me. “Will do. Good night.”

Austin closed my car door, knocked on the window once, and stepped out of the way.

With a sigh, I locked the doors before starting the engine and backing out of the space. When I shifted into Drive, Austin waved, then turned and strode toward the exit.

My apartment wasn’t technically in Old Town. That was a good thing—I couldn’t afford the price increase that came with the historic address—but it was close enough that I was home before long.

I tossed my purse on the couch, kicked off my shoes, and called to the cats. “I’m home, guys.”

No one came trotting out to see me. I dug my phone out of my purse to check the time. It was a little early for them to have called it a night, but it wasn’t unheard of. I headed into the kitchen for a snack.

I wasn’t ready to sleep.

I wasn’t sure I’d be able to.

Kissing Austin had been everything I imagined it would be.

I stared in the fridge. It was definitely good that Austin needed groceries tomorrow, because I did, too. If he hadn’t mentioned it, I probably would’ve just made a delivery order. The prices were a little higher, but not enough that it wasn’t worth the splurge now and then. But walking the aisles with Austin actually sounded fun.

I grabbed a bottle of juice out of the fridge and shut the door.

I spotted a swish of tail as I turned. “There you are.”

I opened the bottle and took a drink as I crossed the kitchen and went back into the living room. Ada balanced primly on the back of the sofa. I ran my hand down the length of her body. “It wasn’t just girls’ night at the bookstore after all. Austin ended up coming by, so we went for a walk instead.”

Ada looked interested—at least to me she did. It was probably wishful thinking. On the other hand, why else did people have pets if not to have someone to talk to at the end of the day? I filled her in as I settled on the couch and propped my feet on the coffee table. She jumped into my lap and butted her head against my chin.

“Careful. I don’t want to spill the juice.” I nuzzled the top of her head. “Where’s Charles?”

Ada didn’t say. But she didn’t seem upset like she did when Charles managed to get himself trapped somewhere he couldn’t escape. So for now, I’d leave it.

“What do you say we watch a little TV before bed? MaybeThe Martian?” I shifted to grab the remote and queue up the movie. It was my go-to for relaxing entertainment these days. Neither Ada or Charles seemed to mind.

The best part? I’d seen it enough times that I could replay kissing Austin and not miss anything important.



“Are you ready?” I’d dismissed my last class of the day five minutes early, packed up my things, and hurried to Kayla’s classroom. The final bell had rung when I was halfway there and I was nearly run down by kids—all as excited as I was to start spring break.

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