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That was what I wanted to do.

Well. Not entirely.

What I wanted to do was throw myself into his arms and finish what it had seemed like we were on the cusp of starting.

But that was a bad idea. Terrible. Absolutely rotten.

I risked a glance at Austin and felt my lips twitch. He was scowling into the hallway.

Maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t too late after all.

I crossed the kitchen and tugged open the fridge. “Wow.”

Austin chuckled. “You see why I’m thinking takeout?”

“I’m pretty sure Old Mother Hubbard had more food than this. How does this happen?” I wasn’t a huge fan of the grocery store, but I never let it get down to ketchup, a bottle of ranch that was basically empty, and olives that looked like they were past their prime.

“It’s Megan’s turn.”

“It’s my turn for what?”

I closed the fridge and lifted my eyebrows. “Groceries?”

“Oh. Right. I was supposed to do that last week. Is it bad?” Megan crossed the kitchen and opened the fridge back up. “Oops.”

I let out a breath. At least she hadn’t come barreling back in here waggling her eyebrows and making a big deal of the thing—whatever it was—with Austin that she’d interrupted. That was good. It was nothing.

Megan’s elbow dug into my ribs and she leaned close to whisper, “I’m gonna need details.”

Or…it had been too much to hope that she’d let it go. I gave a slight shake of my head. There weren’t any details. And I sure wasn’t discussing it now, with Austin in the room.

Megan rolled her eyes. “What are we ordering? Or, I guess since it’s my fault there aren’t groceries, I could go pick something up.”

“Who’s watching the bookstore?” Austin tipped back on the rear legs of his chair.

Megan brightened. “You remember Mrs. Madison? She used to work with Grandma some. She came by last week and said if I ever wanted a few hours off in the evening, she’d hang out and hold down the fort for ten percent off her purchase. I talked to Grandma, she said I’d be dumb not to jump on it. So I did.”

“Nice. You know, I’d work a night here or there for a discount, too.” I could grade papers anywhere. And discounts at a bookstore were always a good thing.

“Yeah, but if I’m taking time off, it’s because I want to hang out with you. So that doesn’t work.” Megan shrugged. “But I’ll keep it in mind.”

“For when you get a hot date?” I fluttered my eyelashes at her.

She snickered. “Sure. Cause that’s going to happen.”

“Food? Dinner? Anyone else remember that conversation?” Austin tipped forward and rested his elbows on the table. “Since Meg offered, I say she goes and picks up Thai.”

“Ooh. Brilliant.”

“Aw, come on. That’s not even in Old Town.” Megan crossed her arms. “You’re taking advantage.”

“Whatever. You offered. And it’s not that far.” Austin pointed at her. “I’ll call in the order. But you should get going so you’re there when it’s ready.”

“Yeah, yeah. Get me pad Thai. And a spring roll. Do you think they can do the mangoes and sticky rice to go? If they can, get that.” Megan turned and headed toward the front door.

“Bossy, isn’t she?” I chuckled and sat. “Although she’s not wrong about the dessert.”

“It’s true. You getting your usual?” He looked up from his phone, eyebrows raised.

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