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I groaned. “Only if it doesn’t make us extend the school year. Which is what I told Megan a minute ago.”

“Sorry I was late.” Whitney crossed her arms.

“No.” I groaned and scrubbed my hands over my face. “You’re not. I’m just grumpy.”

“You’re never grumpy.” Megan perched on the arm of a chair. “It’s annoying. So you really need to tell us what’s going on. Is it your date? Are you nervous?”

“Date? Did Austin finally get a clue?” Whitney leaned forward. “Why does no one text me? Maybe we need a group chat like the guys have.”

“Ugh. No. I’m having lunch with Luke after church. It might not even be a date. It could be that he’s trying to lock in spring break chaperones.” I fidgeted, uncomfortable with their scrutiny.

“Luke Donnelly? The youth pastor?”

I laughed at Whitney’s incredulity. “Why does everyone react like that? He’s a nice guy.”

“Well, sure. He’s a youth pastor, he has to be nice.” Whitney’s forehead wrinkled. “But I thought you like Austin.”

I shook my head and pointed at Megan. “That’s all in her deranged imagination. Austin and I are best friends. That’s it. He’s very clear on that.”

“Well, sure. But just because that’s how he thinks doesn’t mean you can’t try to change his mind.” Whitney looked at Megan. “Right? Or is your brother that dumb?”

“I have learned not to underestimate my brother’s capacity for stupidity.” Megan sighed. “I’m sure you’ll have a lovely lunch with Luke.”

“You say that, but it sounds like you mean the exact opposite.” I frowned. Should I have said no? Or pushed for an explanation of what he was looking for?

“I’m sorry.” Megan reached over and squeezed my hand. “I am. I’ll work on being more supportive. I guess I’m still a little surprised.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Surprised…that someone is interested in me?”

“No. C’mon, Kayla. Don’t be like that.” Megan scowled. “You know what I mean.”

“I don’t think I do.” I crossed my arms. I was starting to regret having ever told Megan that I was interested in Austin in a way that went beyond being his BFF. And okay, sure, it was nice to have her on my side. It was nice for her to think the two of us would make a good couple. But Austin was pretty clear about the fact that we were besties—andonlybesties. So what? Was I supposed to pine for him for the rest of my life?

Megan glanced at Whitney.

Whitney cleared her throat. “I imagine it’s just that she’s wondering why you’re giving up on Austin.”

“Because he doesn’t feel that way about me. And I’m tired of waiting.” I shrugged. “I don’t expect you to understand.”

“I think I do.” Whitney shot me a sympathetic smile. “It’s not always easy to be the one making a move. Especially when you weren’t raised to think that it was super appropriate for women to be the romantic initiator.”

“Which is dumb.” Megan rolled her eyes. “I think women should be able to go after whoever they want.”

“No question. If you’re comfortable with that. If you’re not, then there shouldn’t be pressure suggesting that you have to.” Whitney pointed at Megan. “Right?”

“Oh, fine. I guess. Yes.” She looked at me and huffed out a breath. “I’m sorry. I’m disappointed you’re not going to end up my sister.”

“I’m going to lunch with Luke. I’m not marrying him.” Even as I said the words, I was berating myself. I needed to go out with Luke with an open mind. Not with a mind fixated on Austin and any possibility of getting together with him. That wasn’t fair to Luke. Or to me.

“And if he asks you out again?” Megan stood and gathered up her stack of books.

“I guess it depends on how lunch goes. I’m not ruling anything out, okay?” I wished she understood. I wished I was brave enough to give the explanation in clear enough words for her—but I wasn’t ready to admit how deep my feelings for Austin ran. Not out loud. Especially not when right now? It seemed ridiculous to have those feelings. “If someone—anyone—wants to ask me out, chances are I’ll go. Right now I’m not in a serious, committed relationship. And I’d kind of like that to change.”

Megan nodded thoughtfully before wandering to the front window display with her book stack.

I turned to Whitney. “Sorry about the drama.”

“Please. I believe you were present for my drama in the fall.” She grinned. “And that worked out. Yours will, too. I’ll be praying for you.”

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