Page 50 of Blue Skies

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Darius screamed. He held on to Greg’s hands as he stepped back and looked Greg up and down again. “It’s more than just met, isn’t it?” he asked. “I mean it. You’re glowing. I’ve never seen you so…happy.”

With a laugh, Greg went back to unpacking and told Darius the whole story about Holden, starting with meeting him at Neon.

“Wait. This was the silver fox you were talking to the night Micah told us he’d gotten married?” When Greg nodded, Darius whistled. “Nicely done.”

Greg rolled his eyes but continued with his story, telling Darius about the flight to Denver, the snowstorm, ending up in Holden’s room, and their time at his parents’ inn. “It was like this three-day-long date, and it was amazing. Holden is amazing.”

“And he’s good with everything?”

“He is.” Greg shook his head as he felt tears gathering in his eyes. “I didn’t think it would be possible,” he whispered.

Darius was off Ricky’s bed in a flash and gathered Greg into his arms. “Of course it was possible. You’re amazing, sweetheart. It just took finding the right guy who’d appreciate all of you for who you are.”

Those words from Darius caused the tears to spill down Greg’s cheeks. It was like a dam bursting because once he started crying, he couldn’t stop. Darius held him, rocking him slightly and crooning soothing words in his ear until Greg got himself back under control. He snuffled and wiped his eyes as they separated, then laughed at the trail his tears had left running down Darius’s bare chest.

Greg grabbed a T-shirt from his suitcase and tossed it to his friend while he busied himself with putting shirts back on hangers, feeling lighter than he had before his outburst. The crying puzzled him because hewashappy. He and Holden had been texting since he left the week before. They had an ongoing conversation that ran the gamut from trading silly memes and jokes to serious talk about their relationship and what they wanted and how they felt and discussions of work. That didn’t mean they hadn’t also indulged in video calls during which Greg directed Holden on how and where to touch himself, denying him an orgasm and edging him until the man was nearly incoherent. Greg had gotten aroused a couple of times, and Holden had proven himself to be the most understanding man Greg had ever been with. He asked before assuming Greg wanted an orgasm and accepted whatever answer Greg gave him without question. Maybe Greg’s tears had been relief at finally having someone who understood him, who cared for him, who might possibly love him, and who he might possibly love as well.

“That look, babe. You’ve got it bad.”

“I’m not going to deny it,” Greg said.

Darius laughed. “You couldn’t even if you tried. But why are you back early?”

It was Greg’s turn to laugh. “My mom kicked me out.”

“Rose?” Darius put his hand to his chest. “Say it isn’t so. That woman adores you!”

“She does, but she said I was next to useless between moping and texting all the time. And then Holden told me he’s coming into LA tonight, and—”

“And you scampered back so you can see your man again. Good for you.”

Greg blushed, but he didn’t deny it.

The front door opened and slammed shut.

“Luis?” Greg asked, but Darius shook his head and mouthedRicky. “He getting any better?”

Darius only had time to roll his eyes before Ricky was in the doorway. The redhead was still dressed in clubbing clothes that showed off his compact body. “Could you get off my bed, please?” Ricky asked. “I’ve had a shit night and a shit morning, and I need to sleep.”

“Good morning to you, sunshine,” Darius said as he stood. “Or good afternoon, which is closer to the truth.”

Ricky grumbled something unintelligible. His gaze fell on Greg’s suitcase, and he frowned. “Can you do that later?” he asked. Without another word, he stripped, leaving his clothes where they fell on the floor, and crawled under the covers on his bed. But not before Greg saw the red marks on his back.

“Are you okay?” Greg asked.

“I’m fine. I just need some sleep. As I just told you. So if you could shut the door on your way out, that would be great.” Ricky reached into the drawer on his nightstand and pulled out a sleep mask.

Darius stood in the doorway, and Greg looked over at him, but his friend shrugged. “We’re going to head out for lunch. Do you want us to bring you back something?”

“No,” Ricky said and rolled away from them to face the wall.

Greg grabbed his wallet and phone and exited the room as quickly as he could. Darius changed into jeans and a T-shirt so they could go out.

“What the hell?” Greg asked as soon as they were in Darius’s car.

“I don’t know. When he’s home, he spends most of his nights at the clubs. We usually don’t see him until midday.”

“This can’t still be because Micah got married, can it? I mean, I know he had a wicked crush on Mi, but this seems…”

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