Page 15 of Boyfriend for Hire

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“Perfect, and lamb sounds good.” Desiree closed the menu.

Within seconds the server arrived with two glasses of red wine and placed them on the table.

“How is married life?” Desiree asked, taking a sip of her wine. “Mmm, this is good.”

“Still in the newlywed stage, so I’m very happy,” Nina answered with a dreamy expression on her face.

Nina was married to Reese Brooks, son of billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist, Sylvie Johnson. She had planned to marry someone else, but she and Reese could not fight their feelings for each other and ended up getting married after running off to Las Vegas together.

“We’re not here to talk about me and Reese. What’s going on with you? You sounded distressed on the phone.” Nina’s concerned eyes met Desiree’s.

She let out a deep breath. “Remember I told you I was going to At Your Service because I was desperate?”

“Yes, because Geoffrey’s married now, and he can’t be your escort anywhere.”

Geoffrey was a friend who she used to be able to count on when she needed a date to an event, but ever since he got married a while back, she’d been going solo to events when she wasn’t in a relationship.

“I miss him!” Desiree exclaimed.

“I wish I knew a single male I could recommend.”

Desiree waved off her comment. “This is my problem. Anyway, I had my meeting at the company—At Your Service—and I ran into a familiar face.”


“Remember that guy, Montez, that I told you about?”

Nina nodded, then her eyes widened. “No. Don’t tell me he works there.”

“His familyownsthe company.”

Nina gasped. “Get out of here.”

Desiree launched into an explanation of what happened, right down to the part where she’d been so desperate, she offered to hire him since there was no one else available.

“If I hadn’t lied and said I was bringing a guest to that dinner on Friday, I wouldn’t be in this mess. Why did I lie?” She shook her head.

“You lied because you thought it would increase your chances of getting the job, and that might be true. Also, Royce will be there with his wife.”

Desiree growled in her throat. “I can’t believe we used to be a couple.”

Royce Brayden was more than her competition. He was the man who’d dumped her after he claimed she was living too much in her masculinity. He explained that he wanted a woman who was more feminine, not someone who competed against him. She should have never gotten involved with a man she worked with, but at the time she’d been blinded by his good looks and drive for success. She saw that positive attribute as something they had in common. He viewed her as competition.

When he stole her marketing idea, she vowed never to forgive him. Her only regret was that she didn’t speak up and let anyone know what he’d done, and was forced to watch in misery as he took all the accolades that should have belonged to her.

“Now you have a problem because you ran into Montez,” Nina continued.

“I can’t decide if this is awkward or sexy.”

“Sexy. Definitely sexy.”

“You’re a romantic,” Desiree said with a smile. Then she sobered. “I’m not so sure meeting him is a sexy coincidence. He wasnothappy to see me.”

Despite their original chemistry, there was now friction between them since she dipped on him without saying a word—despite thoroughly enjoying herself in his arms. She would never forget how he removed her clothes with a mischievous spark in his eyes. She thought about it often and from time to time regretted her decision to slip out without keeping in touch. But why would she? She was not interested in a serious relationship and had been fairly certain he wasn’t either, which he confirmed.

Besides, the timing wasn’t right. If she had met him a year—or even six months from now, it would be better. Right now, however, she had to concentrate on getting the promotion, and if she achieved it, she had to bring her A-game to demonstrate she deserved the position. She simply couldn’t spare time for a man.

“I’ve got to make this work. I need this promotion.”

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