Page 14 of Boyfriend for Hire

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Desiree tucked the card in her purse. “Got it. And… thank you. I’ll be in touch soon.”

Montez walked her to the front door, and they said goodbye. With brisk steps, she entered her vehicle parked out front and sat for a moment reviewing what had taken place.

How the heck had she ended up going to the company owned by her last one-night stand? Desiree groaned and slumped in her seat.

“I can’t catch a break,” she muttered.

Of course, he looked amazing and smelled delicious, reminding her of his manly scent imprinted on her skin after their sex marathon. Friday night was going to be tough, but she could control her hormones. There was a lot riding on this.

She sighed and started the car. “It’s one night. That’s all.”

The dinner at Ethel and Mark Stumpton’s home was an important part of the vetting process for anyone considered for executive-level promotions. The two finalists for the senior VP position were Desiree and Royce Brayden, the standoffish jerk who’d stolen her idea, and her toughest competition.

After looking both ways, Desiree slowly drove out of the lot and into traffic.

“Call Nina,” she said aloud, and the Bluetooth dialed her friend Nina Winthrop.

She met Nina years ago when they volunteered at a local soup kitchen during the holidays. Desiree volunteered because she knew what it was like to go without. Nina, however, was rich and could easily donate money to various causes. She did that but also donated her time, completely unspoiled by her riches, and was the most kind-hearted, generous person Desiree knew.

“Hi, Desiree, what’s up?” Nina greeted her.

“Hey, girl, I’m on my way to the office. Are you free to meet up later for dinner or drinks? I need to talk.”

“Bad day?” Nina asked, sounding sympathetic.

“Let’s just say it’s a day of surprises.”

Her friend laughed. “Oh boy. How about we meet for dinner at the restaurant in my hotel?”

“That sounds perfect. Seven okay?”

“Works for me. I’ll see you then.”


At seven on the dot, Desiree left her car with the valet at The Winthrop Hotel and marched into the cavernous foyer. She made her way to the restaurant and after a quick scan of the diners, saw Nina seated in a booth along one wall.

Her natural hair was styled in full, bouncy curls, and when she stood in greeting, Desiree saw she wore an adorable shirt dress that flowed around her ankles. The Indian block print contained orange, blue, and yellow, all striking against her brown skin.

“You make me sick. You always look amazing,” Desiree said, giving her a big hug.

Nina laughed. “Please, you’re one to talk. Your makeup is always immaculate and you’re always dressed to impress.” No one would ever guess Nina was the sole heir to a multi-million-dollar hotel empire because she was so kindhearted and down-to-earth.

Desiree slid into the booth and placed her purse on the seat beside her. “That’s because of my great discount at Carolina’s Closet.”

“I have a feeling you were dressing pretty sharp before you started working there.”

“Well, I do love a cute outfit,” Desiree admitted.

Her closet overflowed with clothes and accessories, prompting an ex-boyfriend to teasingly call her a hoarder. She owned a mountain of clothes because as a kid she had to wear hand-me-downs and thrift store specials, but working at a clothing store meant access to the latest fashions, all at a great discount.

“Okay, this is your hotel restaurant. What should I get?” Desiree scanned the menu.

“How hungry are you?”

“I could eat a horse.”

Nina tapped her chin. “Get the lamb and mashed potatoes with Gouda. Pick any vegetable you want to go with it. I told the server to bring us a glass of wine when she saw you sit down, so that should arrive shortly.”

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