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“I’m fine,” he said.

But it was clear he wasn’t. “Do you have a headache?”

“How’d you know?” He pressed the heel of his hand into his forehead, as if he’d like to penetrate his skull.

“I’m a nurse, remember?” She moved forward, forcing him to take a step back into the dim hall. “You should sit down, close your eyes for a few minutes. Do you get migraines?”


“Then maybe you should do what you can to ward it off now.”

“I can’t. I’ve got too much to do.”

She took another step forward, and he retreated again. “Go. Sit down. Tell me where you keep your ibuprofen.”


“Sit down.” She watched him carefully as he obeyed, moving to a chair positioned next to a low shelf that held rows of muddied boots and outside shoes.

He leaned forward, propping his head in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees.

“Where do you keep your medicine?” she asked as gently as she could.


She turned, saw Ellie, whose look of smiled surprise faded as she glanced at Jackson.

“What’s wrong with him?”

“Does he get migraines?” Lexi asked softly.

“He sometimes gets headaches, but he never complains.”

“I think he has one now. Can you grab some ibuprofen?”

“Uh, sure.”

“Wait here,” Lexi said, resting her hand on his shoulder briefly, pushing him down as he tried to stand. “No, wait. If you don’t want this to get worse, then please do what I say.”

He grimaced, but whether that was from the pain or from her words she didn’t hang around to find out, instead moving into the kitchen where she collected a glass and filled it with water. A quick glance around the room revealed it needed some attention. Not that she was any great domestic goddess, but she knew clutter and chaos had a way of infecting someone’s mind, adding greater pressure. At least it always did to hers.

She returned to the dim hallway at the same time as Ellie. Lexi handed Jackson the glass, and he swallowed the white pills and the water. “Thanks,” he muttered.

“You should rest for a few minutes. Maybe in bed.”

“Can’t.” He closed his eyes, tilting his head back and leaning against the wall. “Too busy. Realtor coming. Thought you were him.”

Realtor? They weren’t going to sell the ranch, were they? Lexi shot Ellie a look. She was biting her lip. Ellie met her eyes and offered a palms-up shrug.

“Okay,” Lexi said slowly. “Well, first things first. Jackson, you won’t be in any position to talk to a realtor unless your headache is cleared away. So how about you take a few minutes to rest in your room and when the realtor comes we’ll let you know. Okay?”

“I’m not a little kid.”

“And right now you’re not in any fit state to talk about important things or make important decisions. So go. Rest. Ellie will come get you soon.”

He peered at her a moment, and seemed about to continue arguing, then he winced. Ellie helped him up and he slowly shuffled away, turning down the hall to what she hoped was his bedroom.

“Wow.” Ellie glanced at Lexi, worry in her eyes. “Is he okay? I’ve never seen him like that before.”

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