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I knew he was headed my way before I saw him. It wasn’t only the bond that told me, it was the sudden hush of conversation around me grinding to a screeching halt that made me look up from the magazine I was paging through.

I shielded my thoughts as I dragged my tongue over my bottom lip. Immediately, Stefan's head snapped to zero in on me, his sharp eyes staring holes through me. Apparently, he had been listening to me quite intently. I grinned, arching an eyebrow at him and watching his leg muscles flex with each long stride. I could practically feel what those muscles were capable of doing when I was wrapped around them. The thought caused my breath to catch and I barely bit back my groan.

He was gorgeous. Black jeans and a charcoal gray, long sleeved shirt accented everything about him that made my mouth water. When he ran a hand through his blond hair and increased the speed of his sexy strut, this time I could hear the heartbeats throughout the crowd increase.

He slouched down in the chair beside me, his long legs stretched in front of him. He eyed me with sparkling blue eyes. He leaned over and captured my lips in a light, teasing kiss. I heard a few disappointed groans and heavy sighs.

"Our luggage is checked?" I asked innocently. I closed the magazine and tossed it aside, my hand brushing over his powerful thigh.

“Yes. How are you doing?” Stefan questioned. He grabbed my errant hand and twirled my engagement ring around on my finger. He’d been carefully monitoring my moods and knew I was fine. I think he just wanted to hear me speak the words for myself.

“Good. I just keep the curtain down and I’m fine. I’m not sure if Lukas’ idea was the smartest though. Everyone is looking at us,” I whispered, glancing around the crowded waiting area. People had given up on being discreet, now they simply stared.

“We look too perfect to them. They know we are something more, yet cannot figure out what else we could be.” Stefan continued to turn the ring on my finger. “You will not notice it after a century. You will expect it and worry when they do not stare.”

Watching as he stroked the diamond and ruby ring with his long finger, I leaned against his muscular arm. “When I was changing, I was afraid I’d lost you. There were so many things I wanted to do. I wanted to marry you.”

His face remained impassive, but I felt the change in his mood. Surprise and happiness surged through him at my words. I could also feel a bit of his possessive nature purr with satisfaction at being able to claim me in every way possible.

“I still do, you know. I still want to be your wife even though…even though things are different,” I mumbled against his bicep. It was impossible for me to blush, but it didn’t stop me from feeling embarrassed at my admission.

“It is yours. We will plan for it, yes?” Stefan kissed my forehead softly. He intertwined our fingers and his thumb rubbed over my hand softly.

Overhead, I heard our flight being called. Stefan stood and pulled me to my feet. Drawing in a nervous breath, my teeth tugged at my lip. I didn’t want to let him down.

“You could never let me down, vackra. You can do this,” Stefan encouraged, a crooked smile alighting his face. “Come. Let us start our adventure. We have days of uninterrupted time together. We may never want to leave.”

As I followed along behind him, my mind was deluged with all of the things we could do without someone walking in or waiting for us. We’d be completely alone, free to our own devices. Suddenly I didn’t dread the short airplane ride nearly as much as I had before.

He leaned down, his warm breath tickling my ear. “And you call me shameless.”


The airplane ride had been monotonous and I found that there were only a few times I found myself to be uncomfortable. Stefan had sensed my control falter and had pushed strength my way, giving me a much boost when I needed it most.

We’d rented a car at the airport in Columbus and had driven the hour and a half into Athens. I watched the scenery pass by in a blur as Stefan drove down the interstate, my eyes taking in the familiar landmarks of my youth. Everything was green and lush, the rolling hills a welcome change from the concrete and asphalt that surrounded us everyday. As we got closer to Athens, I found myself nervously clenching my hands. I hadn’t been back since the death of Garrett and Meredith. It was sensory overload and all of my emotions had rushed to the surface, raw and painful.

Once we’d turned onto the country road that would lead me to my uncle’s home, my breath came out in ragged pants. As we came to the crest of a small hill, I pointed at the house with a shaky hand and Stefan steered the car up the long driveway. He pulled to a stop beside of an old, but well maintained farmhouse. Painted a gleaming white, I’d seen to it that everything was updated and kept in order on the off chance I’d want to come home.

And here I was after so many years away. Home.

As if in a trance, I shoved open the door and stumbled out of the car. I headed up the remainder of the driveway, inhaling deep breaths of clean, sweet air as gravel crunched under my feet. I turned in small circles, taking everything in.

Stefan stopped at my side and offered me a smile of comfort. His hand reached out for mine. “It is getting late.”

Blankly, my eyes swept the property, noticing the shadows that hung over the dark house. “You’re right. C’mon, let’s go in.”

I started to lead him to the door but he pulled me back. Confused, I craned my neck to stare up into his handsome face. It was etched with worry, his sea blue eyes stormy. I could sense his unease and apprehension. “Vackra, are you ready to do this? Can you handle confronting your past?”

Swallowing, my eyes slid closed. Inhaling sharply, I reopened them and nodded. “I have to do this, Stefan. We didn’t come all this way to stand in the yard. If there’s something here, I want to find it. For us.”

His fingers ran up my arm and shoulder, his large hand swallowing one side of my cheek with his palm. “I will be with you. Wherever you lead, I will be behind you. If you feel the need to turn around, there is no shame. You have to know your limits.”

My much smaller hand covered his as it cradled my face. “I know. I couldn’t do this without you.”

Reluctantly pulling away, my boots stomped up each step until I stood on the wrap around front porch, still scattered with the familiar Adirondack chairs that had been here during my last visit. My feet were heavy as I shifted from foot to foot, hesitantly heading to the screen. Slowly opening it, for a moment my fingers drifted over the heavy wood door, flicking the cool brass doorknocker with my fingertip.

Sighing, I had to stop stalling. I’d made it this far; there was no turning back. It was now or never.
