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Lugging the packed suitcases to the front door turned out to be an effortless process. I’d have struggled with the task before, but this was as light as carrying my purse. I was placing the second piece of luggage down when the front door cracked open and Anna’s riotous brown curls peeked in the doorway. She was surprised to see me at the doorway and her eyes widened.

Putting my hands on my hips, I blew back an errant strand of hair as I stood up. “Hey. You’re the last one on my list to say goodbye to, you know. It took you long enough.”

She rolled her dark eyes and smirked. “I’ve been busy. I never thought I’d say I was tired of talking, but after my marathon phone festival today, I’m officially over it.”

“Thanks for taking care of everything. I didn’t mean for you to get stuck with the grunt work,” I sighed and shoved my hands in my back pockets. “I don’t know where to begin…”

“Nikolaus told me everything.” Anna waved me and shot me a knowing look. “I hope your business goes smoothly.”

Our eyes met and she nodded, looking around the living room. She knew to avoid certain subjects and was letting me know she understood. I admired Anna’s ability to adapt so quickly to a life style she didn’t even know existed outside of books and legends.

“Me too. I just want to get in and get out. There’s going to be too many memories in that house.” My voice sounded small as I thought back to my childhood home and memories of Garrett. They meant so much more now because I now knew the truth as to who he really was. I just wish I’d known when he was still alive…

“It’s always hard. If anyone can do it, you can,” Anna said. She plopped down on the couch and smiled. “I still can’t get over the change. You look like a new person, girlfriend.”

I’d have to be careful going home. Athens was a close nit community and everyone knew each other. Most never left, choosing to remain in the quaint town. When I’d left, I’d cut all ties to the few people I knew. News would spread fast that my old home was occupied, at least temporarily.

“No more yoga for me.” I joked weakly. Sitting down beside Anna, I suddenly felt insecure. “How did you do it?”

“Do what?” Anna was confused. Her nose wrinkled as she placed her hand on my leg.

“Keep it under control. I feel like my emotions are like a pendulum. One minute I’m high, the next I’m low.” I rubbed my forehead with the heel of my hand. “Now I’m getting on an airplane with humans. I’m scared shitless.”

Anna was quiet. When she spoke, her voice was comforting. “I was a mess. Stefan and Lukas kept me sane those first few weeks. Listen to him and don’t try to do it your way. You don’t always know best.”

I barked out a dry laugh. “Yeah, yeah. No running off. I think I’m past that, Anna.” Leaning back into the couch, I folded my hands in my lap. “Who’d have ever thought we’d end up like this? Immortals.”

“Mythical creatures.” She snorted. “At least I found Nik.”

Smiling broadly, I swatted at her arm. “Anna Wilson is in love. Stop the press.”

Anna burrowed back on the couch next to me. She rested her head on my shoulder. “It proves miracles happen. Georgia said I’d never…”

Her voice wandered off as she mentioned our friend’s name. We hadn’t been able to contact her for a few weeks. It was if she’d disappeared off the face of the earth.

Clearing my throat, I rested my head on Anna’s soft hair. “I hope she’s happy. Wherever she is.”

The mood in the room had become gloomy. Both of us were lost in our thoughts and memories. I vaguely remembered my last conversation with Georgia. It was stilted and strained. She sounded odd, as if she’d been drinking. I worried about her and the lack of communication had me worried. It nagged at me, making me wonder if there wasn’t something more that I could do for my friend.

“Alright. Enough of this. I’m not going to spend my last bit of time with you moping around over things we can’t change.” Anna turned to face me. “Just promise me you’ll be safe and you’ll get your ass back here soon.”

Anna’s spitfire personality broke through the melancholy. I couldn’t stop the smile that broke over my face. “I promise. I won’t linger any longer than necessary. You can always call.”

“True.” Anna agreed. She leaned over and gave me a hug and I was shocked to feel her arms quaking as she held me. “I want you back. I want this over…Josie, something’s not right.”

“It’ll be fine. And we’ll be back as soon as possible. I promise. You have Lukas. He knows what to do,” I murmured in her ear. I was tiring of the clandestine meetings and secretive conversations.

The door opened and Stefan entered the apartment. My eyes shot to him, watching the softness of his sea blue eyes as he watched us from the doorway. His chiseled face had lost its harshness as he met my gaze. “I hate to break up this happy moment but Josephine needs to feed before our flight.”

Anna released me and winked one of her sparkling brown eyes at me. “You two be safe and hurry back to us. Our family won’t be the same without you both.”

As she left, I realized for the first time in a long time, I had a family. A real family that cared for each other, tied together by blood and love.

Stefan joined me on the couch. He took my hand and pressed feather light kisses over each finger. “Yes. Vår familj. Our family.”


Anxious about the upcoming plane ride, I didn't read one page of the magazine I held in my hands. I aimlessly flipped through the well-worn pages as I waited for Stefan to work his magic to get our seats upgraded to first class. Lukas had made the executive decision for us to fly commercial this time. He’d given Stefan and me both the lame excuse that it would be better to be in large groups of people until we were safely out of New York City. We were hiding in plain sight. It would make my father or his henchmen less likely to attempt to do anything with human witnesses everywhere. I suppose he had a point.
