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I blink at the text a few times, trying to decipher its meaning. The urge to call him is strong but I resist.

Working on it.

I stare at my screen, watching the bubbles move as he writes his reply. I’m pretty anxious. I want details. What’s wrong? I really can’t ask for them.

Hurry. Situation is fraught.

I feel as if I’ve been hit in the chest with a hammer.


My leg is jiggling in tune with my nerves. What thefuckis happening?

The bubble and dots are going on for way too long. I want to call the priest, even knowing what a horrible idea that would be. Finally, the text comes in.

Too much for text. Will explain in person.

Clearly, there is a situation. It is killing me not to know what it might be. I decide to just risk it and call Benedetto. It would almost be expected that I would.

His phone rings for so long I begin to wonder if he will even pick up. Eventually, he does, sounding breathless. “Benedetto Monti,” he says coldly.

“Whoa there, dude. It’s me.” I’ve never heard Ben’s business voice before. He’s never used it in my presence. “Damn son, you really brought the base.”

He laughs uncomfortably. “Sorry man. It’s just been one thing after another since… well, ya know.”

“’You okay?”

He snorts. “Mark’s dead and you’re gone so what do you think?”

I nod my head even though he can’t see me because I totally get it. “Yeah, life sucks right now and I’m probably about to make your life more difficult.

“Is this about Giada?”

“Yeah. Have you heard anything? What’s going on?”

Benedetto is way too quiet on the other end of the line.

“C’mon man… tell me. I’m losing my mind here.”

He sighs loudly. “Okay what I heard through the grapevine is that the wedding is back on. She’s supposed to be marrying Patrizio Freccia soon or some shit.”


“Don’t kill the messenger man.”

“No, yeah. I mean…” I shake my head. No wonder Father Lorenzo didn’t want to text that shit.

“I got your message though. Just gotta figure out a way to talk to her.”

“Maybe Father Lorenzo can help with that.”

“I don’t know man. Involving a priest in aiding and abetting? I don’t think so, man. I don’t wanna kill even the slightest chance I have of seeing heaven.”

I have to laugh. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were still aspiring. So, what then?”

“I don’t know. If she’s seeing the priest maybe I can ‘accidentally’ run into her.”

“Yeah, yeah. Hang on, lemme find out when she’s going to see him next.”

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