Page 127 of Fierce-Trent

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“Really?” he said. He wasn’t sure how he felt about the fact that his girlfriend didn’t want him around but she ran to her brother.

“Not like you think,” Jax said. “She told my mother more who called me. I’m sure I’m missing pieces and she’d have my head if she knew I was calling you today. The truth is, I’m worried about her. Jeff knocks her down so much and this was just another thing.”

“I saw it,” he said. “Legally, there just isn’t enough to do anything about it.”

“I figured,” Jax said. “But maybe knowing about you, Jeff will cut the shit.”

“It’d be nice,” he said. “But Roni seems to think somehow being with me might have made it worse.”

“She’s emotional right now,” Jax said. “She’s upset Eli is hurt and in pain and not with her. I’m sure she feels Jeff isn’t giving him the attention or love he needs at the moment too.”

Trent remembered all the times he was hurt or sick as a kid and he always wanted his mother over his father. He should have thought of that and how hard it was on Roni.

Maybe he should have focused on that rather than drama with her ex.

“My mother would feel the same way,” he said.

“Just like my mother is feeling it too,” Jax said.

“How is Roni doing since you talked to her? I want to call her but don’t want to push her away if she needs time.”

“She’s hanging in there. I don’t want to betray her.”

“Like calling me now?” he asked.

“I’ll consider this more like helping. We’ve got that flaw in common in some people’s eyes,” Jax said.

“I never thought it was much of a flaw before, but I’m being proven wrong once again.”

“She’ll get over it. Give her time. Maybe the weekend if you have to. I think she’ll reach out. If not you’ll see her on Monday.”

“I doubt it,” he said. “She’ll have Eli at home or at the doctor's.”

“I didn’t think of that,” Jax said.

“It will work out,” he said. “I’ll make sure of it. I love your sister, just know that.”

“I do know,” Jax said. “Which is why I made this call.”

Trent hung up after that and told himself to let it ride for the night...if he could.


An Interesting Day

“Hi,” Roni said to Trent when he popped his head into her office on Tuesday morning.

She hadn’t talked to him on Saturday or even Sunday.

She wanted to reach out and should have, but Sunday afternoon, Eli called her crying and wanted to come home. Jeff said he couldn’t deal with it. That no matter what he did, Eli still wanted her and it wasn’t worth it.

As much as that pissed her off, she was relieved that Jeff put Eli’s comfort first.

“How is Eli doing?” he asked her. “He sent me a picture of his cast last night.”

She shouldn’t be surprised that Eli had Trent’s number. Or that he’d reach out. She should have done it.

“He’s proud of the slime green color,” she said. “He’s doing better. He wanted to go to school today and they said there was no reason he couldn’t if he felt up to it.”

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