Page 173 of Blue Collar Babes

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I shake my head. “Never. Not doin’ that again.”

Doris sighs. “You went after a girl that half the town had been through. Whether you wanted to believe it. That girl played you like a fiddle throughout high school.”

“It’s not like that.”

“The hell it is, Beckett. She was no good. But Madilyn… she’s one of a kind. Try gettin’ to know her instead of building up those walls. I think you may be in for quite the surprise.”

She laughs and gives me a hug before walking out of the garage.

Maybe Doris is right. Maybe it’s high time to pull my head out of my ass and live again.



It’s Friday night, and I am so excited to go out tonight. I’ve got my change of clothes and makeup in my bag to change before leaving. The guys are all finishing up their last jobs of the day when Beckett comes walking into my office.

“Can I help you?”

“Yup. Got some things I need you to do.”

I make some space on my desk and motion for him to sit down.

“Okay. Lay it on me.”

Beckett looks up. “I have some invoices you need to do. Gonna be a late night.”

“I have plans.”

He frowns as he stands up. “Then plan to not have a job? You were told that there would be late nights.”

“Which I understood. But not on a notice like this.”

Beckett just shrugs. “Go through and mark each one as paid, partial, or overdue. Then Monday you need to go through and call the ones who still owe us money.”

He throws a giant box onto my desk, and I gasp as I flip through it.

“Beckett! This is like three months of invoices!”

“Yeah, and?”

I shuffle through some papers. “Why weren’t these done before?”

“That’s why you’re here now, huh?”

“To clean up other people’s messes?”

He nods. “Yeah, mine. I would get to work now if you wanna leave before midnight.”

“Wow. So generous of you.”

Beckett just shrugs as he walks out of my office. Not wanting to waste a second, I get to work going through the invoices. I set three boxes up on the floor. One for each category.

Taking a small stack, I go through them and place them in the appropriate spot. This will make it easier instead of having to mark each one. I can file away the paid ones, the partials and overdue can be called starting Monday.

A few hours go by when the guys come into my office. They all pause and look around.

Connor shakes his head. “What’s going on? You ready to go?”

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