Page 49 of Mangled

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I sat on my couch as the laptop screen cast a bluish glow across the dimly lit room. Excitement coursed through my veins like electricity, my heart pounding. The Zoom interview with Mehmet, the head of Battleplan, had just ended, and I nailed it.

This virtual reality platform held the allure of a cutting-edge industry, and the prospect of being a part of it sent shivers of anticipation down my spine. The laptop screen, still open on the coffee table, revealed the end of the call with Mehmet. A smile played on my lips as Mehmet expressed his admiration for my skills and extended an invitation for a final interview. It was an opportunity I had been hoping for, a chance to prove myself in this new world of limitless possibilities.

The only problem was that the job was in Phoenix.

Closing the laptop with a soft click, I let out a deep breath, my excitement mingling with a hint of trepidation—I hadn’t yet told Leo about the interview.

In our eight-year friendship, I had never kept anything this big from Leo, and I’d missed having my best friend to bounce ideas off of.

It felt dirty keeping this from him.

But tonight, Leo was coming over—the first time we’d be together since the scandal broke almost a week ago. I’d given him the time he needed, just a few text messages each day. Tonight, we’d decide if this love was worth fighting for.

Then, just for shits and grins, I’d share that I applied for a job out of town.

What a dumbass I was.

“Damn,” I muttered under my breath, running a hand through my hair. What would Leo say when he found out about the interview? Would he be supportive? Excited? Or would this secret drive a wedge between us?

Time to face the music. Honesty was the key to maintaining our bond, even if it meant coming clean that I’d kept this from him because—

That’s the worst part. I don’t know why I didn’t tell him.

A few minutes later, the doorbell interrupted those deep, heady thoughts. A mix of anxiety and relief washed over me as I made my way to the front door, my heart pounding in anticipation. Opening the door, I saw a blend of concern and weariness on Leo’s face. The lines around his eyes seemed more pronounced, yet they did little to diminish the warmth radiating from his eyes as he looked over at me.

“Hey.” I pulled Leo into a warm embrace, our bodies intertwining seamlessly. Too many days had passed since I’d felt Leo’s solid presence, the comforting weight of his arms, the familiar scent of his cologne enveloping us both. We stood there for a moment, suspended in time, before I finally pulled him inside and closed the door.

I tugged Leo toward the sofa, and we sat down, holding hands. That was a good sign, I told myself, as I leaned against that solid warmth. “How was your day?”

Leo nodded slowly. “Good.” Then he shook his head. “No, not that great, actually. It kinda sucked.”

My eyes narrowed. Leo had gone out to see his family and help at the shop. “What happened? Is everyone okay?”

“Long day. Everyone’s fine.” Leo’s voice tinged with exhaustion. “I can’t say I enjoyed the endless inventory counting, but it was good to be there for my dad. My brothers are okay—they said to tell you hi—but you know my dad. He’s giving me grief about the whole Mangle thing.”

Ouch. “I guess the news about that didn’t help the way he feels about us.”

“Just added to his ammunition against us.” Leo shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. My brothers told me to follow my heart.” He smiled sadly but held up our linked hands. “So here I am.”

“Here you are.” I leaned in and kissed him, just the softest brush of lips at first, then deeper, tugging at his bottom lip with my own until his mouth opened to me, the balm I needed to calm my own fears and worries. “I love you.”

A grateful smile bloomed on Leo’s face, his eyes lit up with emotion. “I love you, Ben,” he whispered, leaning into the touch. “I’m sorry I left the other night. That was chicken shit of me. I guess I was just scared.”

“It’s okay, baby. What happened was scary, but I don’t give a fuck about Mangle, or what anyone says about how we got together.” I lifted our joined hands to my lips. “We’re together, and that’s all that matters—if that’s what you want.” I leaned in for another kiss. “Tell me what you want, Leo.”

A long moment passed before he spoke. “I want to know that a year from now, you won’t be disappointed that you settled for me.”

I blinked—settled? “What are you talking about?”

He closed his eyes and sighed. “I don’t think you understand. But when you look like me, when you carry all this around—” Leo rested his hands on his belly and shook his head. “I talk a big game, I know that. Leo, the life of the party, eternal optimist. But I get insecure about this and maybe this Mangle mess is the universe giving you a Get Out of Jail pass, an excuse to let me down gently.”

How could I have missed that Leo still thought I wasn’t attracted to him—to all of him? “You’re crazy.”

Leo’s lips curled into a small smile. “That I know.”

I shifted myself so I was straddling his lap, and my hands slid down from his shoulders to his arms to his torso, resting on the roll of flesh that hung over his pants as he sat. “Mangle didn’t make me fall in love with you. You did, Leo. Your heart and your soul and your body. This body.” We kissed, and Leo’s lips were soft as they pressed against mine. “If you don’t want to be with me, then say that and I’ll let you go. But don’t use me as an excuse for ending this.” I pulled back and took a breath. “Do you love me?”

Leo’s eyes lit up, and he nodded.

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