Page 40 of Mangled

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Samantha’s grin widened knowingly. “Mmhmm, I’ll bet you were. Let me guess—thoughts involving a certain handsome someone?”

I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. Was it that obvious? “Maybe,” I admitted. There was no point in denying it now.

She laughed. “That’s what I thought. You’ve had that dreamy look on your face more and more lately. Things must be going well with you and Ben.”

Despite my embarrassment at being caught daydreaming, I couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at my lips whenever someone mentioned Ben’s name. “Really well,” I replied, meeting Samantha’s gaze again. Samantha was not just a coworker, but also a trusted friend and had been there since the beginning, with her crazy Mangle pitch. “I know it’s still new, but when I’m with him, I just feel... right. Like this is where I’m meant to be.”

Samantha’s expression softened. “I’m happy for you, Leo. Truly. After everything you’ve been through, you deserve to find that kind of connection.”

I nodded. “Thanks, Sam. I appreciate you saying that.”

“Of course.” She reached over, giving my arm a supportive squeeze. “Now, as much as I love talking about romance, I need to discuss some work stuff with you. Do you got a minute to talk?”

I straightened in my chair and gave her a mock salute. “Right, yes, ma’am. What’s up?”

“I just had a big meeting with the developers behind Mangle,” Samantha began. My ears perked up at the mention of the app. “One of their top marketing suggestions was finding real-life success stories of people meeting on Mangle and featuring them in our upcoming social media campaign.”

I could see where this was going.

“So, you and Ben are my personal success story,” Samantha continued with a wide smile. “Would you two be interested in sharing your story with the campaign?”

Okay. Well, this could be a fun opportunity, I thought, and scratched my beard as I pondered the idea. It was a good idea, an ad campaign like that, and I was excited to take part, both because Mangle had changed my life and I also wanted to help Sam out.

But before I gave an answer, I needed to check with Ben. This relationship was still new, and I didn’t want to speak for him. “Let me talk to Ben first and see how he feels about it,” I replied.

Samantha nodded understandingly. “Absolutely. Take your time to discuss it with him and let me know. This could really help us show people that dating apps can lead to meaningful relationships like yours. Also, if you say yes, you’ll be the first couple we feature, so it would really help me establish the style and tone for the entire campaign.”

“Got it. I’ll ask him tonight,” I promised. My thoughts were already returning to the steamy shower we shared earlier.

“Great! I’m looking forward to hearing what you decide,” Samantha said as she turned to head back to her cubicle.

As she walked away, a sense of excitement—and maybe a little pride—ran through me. Being the first couple featured in their campaign seemed like a good omen, and a way to thank Samantha and the Mangle team for showing me what I was missing.

I leaned back in my chair, allowing myself to bask in the joy of this newfound love. No matter what happened with the campaign or where life took us next, one thing was certain—I was indeed the luckiest man in the world to have found Ben.



The faint whiff of stale beer hit me as Leo and I stepped through the weathered wooden door of Hoppin’ Joe’s pub, but the din of laughter and clinking glasses wrapped around us like a warm blanket.

I hadn’t been back since the night Leo and I plugged our profiles into Mangle, and we’d come a long way since that night.

But now we were here for an important meeting with Samantha, and anticipation prickled along my skin. We exchanged a quick glance, Leo’s bubbling excitement contrasting my more cautious nature. Leo elbowed me, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “You ready for this, buddy?”

I nodded, my stomach fluttering. I wasn’t nervous, not really, but being featured in an advertising campaign was a big deal to me—especially for a gay dating app. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

We wound our way through the crowded pub, dodging servers bustling by with trays of wings and baskets of fries. My palms grew sweaty as we approached the corner booth where Samantha sat examining her menu.

When she spotted us, she broke into a radiant smile. “Ben, Leo! So glad you could make it.” She looked stunning in a black wrap dress, her dark hair pulled back. A silver pendant necklace adorned her neck, and I realized that this was an important meeting for her as well.

We slid into the cracked vinyl seats across from her. “Glad to be here. Leo says that this could be a big break for your marketing agency.”

She nodded. “If this app takes off, it could be the next big name in dating apps, and we’ll be there with them from the start.”

A perky waitress with a blond ponytail bounced over to take our order. After she flounced away, Samantha leaned forward. “Thank you for doing this, guys,” Samantha said sincerely, her eyes flickering between Leo and me. “I know it’s a bit unconventional, but I really think people will be interested in your story.”

“Happy to help, Samantha,” I said, turning to look at my Leo. His eyes sparkled with excitement, and it was clear that he was looking forward to sharing our story with the world.

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