Page 19 of Mangled

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How had we been friends for so long without realizing how perfectly I fit tucked in close against Leo?

The Uber pulled up to Stubb’s BBQ joint, a downtown restaurant with a stage outside back for concerts. bustling with energy. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, fans of the band buzzing with excitement in their conversations and laughter as they waited outside in line. Leo and I joined the queue, and as soon as the doors opened, we headed inside and found a spot on the side close to the stage. “I’ll be right back,” I told him, then left to get us some beers and brisket tacos. When I returned, I saw Leo swaying to the opening act, an older black man on rhythm guitar sitting on a stool, singing the blues into the microphone.

“This guy is good,” I said, passing Leo his beer and tacos.

“He’s amazing,” Leo agreed, accepting the food and then shifting so I could stand in front of him to see better.

It thrilled me to see Leo so excited. As the opening act wound down, a palpable shift swept through the crowd, like a wave of collective impatience and hunger for more. Then the lights dimmed, and a hush fell over the crowd, and Leo tensed with anticipation beside me.

Then the first twanging guitar licks rang out as Whiskey River Revival took the stage. The place exploded with cheers and deafening applause as they broke into one of their hits, a mixture of country, folk, and bluegrass. I whooped loudly, grabbing Leo’s arm as we swayed to the driving drumbeats, lost in the music, and my Leo immersed in pure joy, a swell of emotion tight in my chest.

This night, this moment, was perfect, watching Leo lose himself in the music, his face alight with unbridled joy. As one of his favorite songs began to play, Leo wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close until our hips were flush, and he sang along with the crowd, the words flowed effortlessly from his lips, every note infused with passion and sincerity.

“Who knew you had such a great voice?” I shouted over the music, my heart swelling with a deep sense of connection and joy at the sight of Leo so immersed in the experience.

Leo laughed, his cheeks flushing slightly. “I’ve been practicing for years in the shower, just for this moment!” he yelled back, his sparkling eyes meeting mine.

The music continued, one song after another, stirring the soul and getting the blood pumping. As we swayed, our shared excitement and connection only grew stronger, fueled by the raw emotion of the music and the intimacy of being so close to one another.

Although we were surrounded by hundreds of other fans, for me, it also felt like it was just the two of us, arm in arm, lost in the magic of the moment.

As the final strains of the band’s last song echoed through the air, Leo turned to face me, his eyes alight with gratitude and excitement. “Thank you, Ben. This was amazing,” he said sincerely, his voice still resonant from singing along.

My heart swelled at his heartfelt words. “It was worth it to see you smile like that.”

Leo pulled me in close for another one of those bear hugs that I was fast becoming addicted to, and as the crowd dissipated around us, we stood and held each other.

The energy of the concert still buzzed between us as we made our way to the street. I called another Uber to pick us up and take us back to Leo’s house. It didn’t take long before we slid into the dim interior of the car, lit only by the occasional streetlight that filtered in through the windows as it drove, casting a soft glow on our faces. Our bodies instinctively sought the warmth of each other, and we nestled close together as our fingers automatically intertwined.

With a contented sigh, Leo rested his chin on my head, his soft breaths a rhythmic lullaby in the otherwise silent car. Every now and then, he would nuzzle against my temple, a small gesture that sent a wave of affection coursing through me, and Leo’s arm draped comfortably around me, the quiet growl in my ear sending a shiver of anticipation down my spine.

Outside the car, the city passed by in a blur of lights and motion, but for me, time seemed to stretch and slow. “Tonight was unforgettable.” Leo’s breath was warm against my neck. “I can’t wait for what happens next.”

“Neither can I,” I agreed, my voice low and steady, betraying the intensity of my feelings. The ride might have only lasted a few minutes, but for me, it was a journey that encapsulated the essence of my growing feelings for Leo.

The Uber came to an abrupt halt in front of Leo’s house, and the sudden stop yanked me from the dreamlike state I lost myself in. “Here we are.”

We stepped out of the car, and Leo smiled at me, his eyes filled with gratitude and affection, as we made our way to the front door, the sense of anticipation hanging heavily in the air. When we reached the door, Leo turned towards me, his eyes shining with appreciation. “I can’t thank you enough for tonight.”

“Hey, I’m just glad I could make it happen.” My words were measured, but the warmth in my voice betrayed my deep satisfaction at seeing Leo so happy.

As we locked eyes, I couldn’t resist the magnetic pull between us any longer. I leaned in, capturing Leo’s lips in a slow, lingering kiss that tasted of beer and the sweet essence of Leo himself. One kiss led to another, just as soft and tender. Our foreheads rested against each other, our breaths mingling in the cool night air, as if time itself had ceased to exist, leaving only the two of us suspended in this shared moment of intimacy.

“Are we still on for camping next weekend?” I asked, my question laden with the weight of unspoken emotions. Leo’s nod was all the confirmation I needed; we both understood that the trip would be a game-changer, a chance to explore more deeply whatever was happening between us, this burgeoning relationship.

The honk of the Uber waiting behind us snapped us back to reality. With a final soft brush of our lips, I said good night and reluctantly made my way back to the car.

My thoughts—my emotions—all of them swirled in my head.

This had started all this as a joke, just a silly dating app dare. But now, somehow, I had fallen for my best friend. The realization was thrilling and terrifying all at once. I couldn’t imagine losing Leo from my life, yet the chemistry between us was undeniable, with our feelings deepening with each encounter.

As the car pulled away, one thing for certain—this camping trip would change everything between us.



Sleep eluded me for most of the night.

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