Page 11 of Mangled

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My mind wandered back to the basketball game earlier that day. The image of Leo’s thick thighs straining against his shorts, the sound of his laughter filling the air. That warmth that spread through me when he draped his long arm around me.

And now, at this party, I saw Leo in a different light. The realization was as terrifying as it was thrilling. But as I watched Leo, laughing and charming the crowd, I couldn’t deny the truth that was slowly unfolding within me.

I was physically attracted to my best friend.

I wanted him.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t notice Leo approaching until he was right in front of me. My heart skipped a beat as he greeted me with a warm smile. “Hey Benny.”

“Hey.” I snapped out of it, grinning widely as I punched Leo lightly on the shoulder. “Party looks great. Lots of people turned out. Maya looks like she’s having a blast.” We watched as two women—presumably Maya’s sisters—crowded near her as someone else snapped photographs, the women’s laughter ringing through the air.

Leo grinned, his eyes following mine. “It’s a good turn-out. A couple of cousins drove in from San Antonio to surprise her, so that was exciting.”

A simple silver chain hanging from Leo’s neck caught my eye as he spoke. I reached out and touched it, my thumb accidentally brushing against his chest. “This is new.”

Leo’s eyes widened at the touch. “Yeah. Aunt Alice gave it to me. Just bought it while on vacation.”

“Suits you.” My eyes traveled down Leo’s body, glancing at the soft maroon button-down shirt that hung loosely on his frame, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing the dusting of hair on his forearms. He’d partially tucked his shirt into a pair of well-worn, faded jeans that fit snugly around his thighs and hips. “You look nice tonight. That color shirt looks good on you.”

“Oh—thanks.” Leo flushed a deep pink, and my breath caught. “I’m glad you came. I thought something was wrong—“ With that, Leo reached out and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, a gesture he’d done a thousand times.

The touch sent a jolt of awareness through me, making me hyper-aware of Leo’s presence, his large body so close to mine. The warmth of his hand seeped through my shirt, the firm grip both comforting and tantalizing. “Nothing’s wrong, Leo.” But Leo held my gaze a fraction of a second too long. “I’m gonna go get something to eat.”

“I’ll find you in a bit.” Leo winked at me, then headed back toward Maya and her sisters, giving them all warm hugs. I turned and spotted a few mutual friends, so I headed toward the table filled with food—trying to get my mind off Leo.

As one of the party hosts, Leo remained busy throughout the party, for which I was thankful. I needed to get my thoughts straight before we talked again, or he’d confront me about my strange behavior.

But it also gave me the opportunity to just watch him for a couple of hours, seeing him in a new light—and by the end of the evening, when I headed home, I was no clearer to understanding this sudden attraction, or how I was going to deal with it.

Later that night, I flopped across my bed, with my laptop, ready for a needed jack-off session. My fingers danced over the keyboard as I opened a new browser window and typed in the familiar URL for my favorite porn site.

My usual favorite category, filled with chiseled, athletic men, popped up. It was what I always watched. ‘My type’ or so I thought.

But tonight, my cursor hesitated, lingering over the familiar yet now unappealing link.

My mind was preoccupied with images of the morning’s basketball game. The memory of Leo’s sturdy frame, the way sweat had glistened on his skin under the sun’s heat, the way his shirt clung to his fuller, softer figure - it was all still vivid in my mind.

I thought of Leo at the party, his charisma lighting up the room. The brief contact, Leo’s hand on my shoulder, the warmth, the solidity—it was all so new, so startling, so... intriguing.

Taking a deep breath, I moved my cursor to a different category. The thumbnail images showed men who were thicker, hairier. Bodies that looked like Leo. But this wasn’t just curiosity now. This was a choice. This is what I wanted to look at, and as my heart pounded, I clicked on a video, the anticipation building as the screen began to load.

The video started, revealing two men, both larger and hairier than men I usually fucked. They moved confidently, their bodies commanding attention. Their bellies, soft and round, their bodies covered in a thick layer of hair. The scene was raw, carnal, the men proud of their bodies, unashamed.

As I watched, I found myself drawn to these men. To the way they moved, the way they touched each other. They kissed passionately, their hands roaming freely over each other’s naked bodies, their movements filled with desire and hunger.

My breath hitched as I watched the scene unfold, my body responding to the images on the screen, the animalistic sounds of pleasure filling my ears—it was different, and yet so right. My hand instinctively moved down, brushing against the growing hardness in my shorts. My heart raced, my breath shallow and uneven and without breaking my gaze from the screen, my hand slipped inside my shorts. I bit my lip as my fingers wrapped around my cock, a gasp escaping my lips at the intense sensation, amplified by the dirty images playing out on the screen.

As I watched the men in the video, their bodies thrusting against each other, loud groans and thick cocks plunging in and out of wrinkled holes. My hand gripped my cock with slow and steady strokes that sent waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

Then it was Leo that I was watching, Leo’s larger, hairier body moving with the same confidence, the same raw desire, the same guttural moans.

My strokes became faster, my grip tighter, as I lost myself in the pleasure, in the fantasy. My other hand moved up, pinching and twisting my nipple, adding another layer of sensation. Every nerve ending buzzed with pleasure as my breath hitched, and the familiar coil of pleasure built in my lower belly, my body moving rhythmically with each stroke.

As I neared my climax, my thoughts focused solely on Leo. On his laughter, his touch, his body, and the realization that I wanted him. I wanted to fuck Leo, to hear Leo’s groan as I took him in my mouth, to taste every inch of Leo’s sweaty skin after we finished a basketball game.

It was overwhelming, intoxicating, terrifying, and exhilarating all at once. With a final, determined stroke, I let go, my body convulsing as pleasure washed over me. My breath came out in ragged gasps, my body shuddering from the intensity of my release.

As I rode out the waves of pleasure, the reality of what had just happened hit me. I had touched myself to the thought of Leo, my best friend. It was a revelation that scared me, but one I couldn’t deny.

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