Page 10 of Mangled

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Leo wasn’t easily fooled. He’d known me for too long, could read me too well. “You’re acting weird, like something’s off. You feeling okay?” he asked, his dark gaze steady on me.

I swallowed, meeting Leo’s eyes. “Just thinking about stuff. I’m okay.” I reached out, pushing Leo lightly on the shoulder as I grinned at him. It was a familiar gesture, one that we’d shared countless times.

But this time, as my hand made contact with Leo’s solid body, a spark of something—not quite identifiable, but undeniably potent—jolted through me.

What was going on with me?

After the game, Leo and I headed to the street where the food trucks parked nearby and picked up our usual order of breakfast tacos. As we sat and ate, Leo chatted animatedly about Maya’s birthday party that evening at Vino and Vine.

“I’m so pumped for this party tonight. Vino and Vine is the perfect venue for the campaign we’re developing. I can’t wait to take some photos and videos to post on social media as a teaser.” Leo finished his carton of orange juice in one long swig.

I tried to focus on Leo’s words, but my eyes were transfixed on Leo’s throat as he swallowed. “Oh yeah?”

“Hell yeah.” Leo stretched his long legs out in front of him and raised his arms high enough to expose a sliver of his belly as his shirt rode up. “The whole vintage, rustic vibe is perfect for attracting the Gen-Z crowd. And the tasting room has those long communal tables that will be great for people to gather around. We can really highlight the social atmosphere.”

I nodded, not paying attention to any of this. “Sounds like you guys have some cool ideas planned.”

Leo grinned. “I think Maya was skeptical at first since Vino and Vine is still more of a boomer spot, but I think we can give it a fresh, youthful energy with the right spin.”


Leo’s voice brought me back to the present. “Hey, are you sure you’re okay? You seem distracted.”

I hesitated, wanting to confide in my best friend, but also terrified of ruining our friendship.

How do I explain to him that suddenly, I had started thinking about what it would be like to fuck him? That the stupid Mangle app had planted a tiny seed in my thoughts that had surprisingly taken root and now I wasn’t sure what to think. “I appreciate it, Leo, but really, I’m good.” I tried to sound convincing, but even I didn’t believe me. “Just tired, I guess. It’s been a hard week at work.”

Leo studied me for a moment longer before shrugging. “Alright, if you say so. But let me know if you need to talk or anything.”

I nodded, grateful for his understanding. We continued making small talk about work and weekend plans, but inside, my mind was spinning. My attraction to Leo was more than just friendly affection. There was something deeper, something I couldn’t quite grasp.

The sun had set by the time I arrived at the small winery east of town for Maya’s party. It was already abuzz with energy, the lively hubbub of laughter and chatter under a blanket of stars. I spotted Maya immediately, tall and slim with long dark hair, standing at a table set up outside with someone pouring her a glass of white wine.

“Happy birthday, Maya,” I said, approaching her. Maya and Leo had become good friends over the last three years, and coming from family of brothers, Leo saw Maya as the sister that he never had—which made her family to me as well.

She hugged me tightly and laughed. “Ben! You made it! Leo said you weren’t feeling great this morning and might not come.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I just hadn’t slept well,” I replied, my eyes scanning her outfit. “You look lovely. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a dress.” Maya’s clothing usually reflected her love for the outdoors—hiking, cycling, and yoga attire.

Maya rolled her eyes. “I promised my sisters that I’d look respectable for a few family pictures, since everyone’s here. But—“ She lifted a foot to show off her worn Chaco’s hiking sandals. “Gotta stay comfortable, right? Especially after a couple glasses of wine.”

I chuckled. “It’s your party. Do what you want.”

Maya pointed to the long table, filled with wine bottles and buckets of chilled beer bottles. “Grab something to drink. Oh, and your boy’s over there holding court,” she added, pointing at a large white tent illuminated with soft twinkling lights.

Your boy. I froze at her words, my heart skipping a beat at the mention of Leo. “Um, I see him. Thanks,” I murmured as Maya turned to greet more arrivals.

I grabbed a bottle of beer and made my way towards the tent where many partygoers had gathered. At the center of it all, like a sun surrounded by planets, was Leo. His infectious energy radiated throughout the tent, drawing people towards him like a magnet. His laughter, always so full of life, rang out over the din of the party, a testament to his undeniable charisma.

I watched from a distance for a minute, the cold bottle of beer in my hand a sharp contrast to the warmth spreading through my chest. Leo was truly in his element, captivating the crowd with his storytelling, his animated gestures painting vivid images in the air. Every chuckle, every gasp from his audience seemed to add fuel to the fire within me, a fire I was only beginning to understand.

As the crowd around Leo reacted to his story, a pang of jealousy surged through me. I was used to being the focus of Leo’s attention, the one on the receiving end of his stories and laughter. But tonight, Leo was the life of the party, and everyone wanted a piece of him.

A group of girls approached Leo, their laughter ringing out a little too high, their glances lingering a little too long. I took a long sip from my beer, my gaze never leaving Leo as he greeted them with a charming smile and a courteous nod, always the perfect gentleman. But despite the attention he was receiving, Leo’s eyes eventually found their way to the back of the tent, where I stood, watching him.

In that fleeting moment of shared eye contact, something shifted within me. My jealousy morphed into a yearning, a desire to be more than just a friend to Leo. It was a strange, frightening thought, but also oddly exhilarating. The memories of our shared intimate moments came flooding back—late-night chats, inside jokes, comforting hugs during tough times. I had always dismissed this as mere friendly affection.

But now, I wasn’t so sure.

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