Page 66 of Kenji

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She wasn’tgoing to accommodate him and if he expected her to have sex with him,he was in for a big disappointment. He came back in and she couldn’thelp her heart flutter as she watched him walked lithely into theroom.

The man had acat-like grace that was unmistakable. He was wearing a green turtleneck sweater over faded denims that fitted his long legs perfectly.His black hair was tousled and he looked fit and dangerous.


“What gaveit away?” She asked caustically.

“I had to dosomething.”

“That somethingwas to get me here under false pretenses?”

He shrugged andpulling up an ottoman sat in front of her. “Desperatemeasures.” His eyes glinted in amusement.

“How did youget Caleb to lie for you?”

“I told him Ihave your happiness in mind and I do. I want forgiveness and achance.”

“We can’tall get what we want.”

“What’sit going to take?”

“Nothing. Idon’t like you.”

“So you keepsaying but we know otherwise, don’t we?”

“You think youcan charm your way back into my life after what you did?”

“I’mhoping to convince you I’m here to stay.”

“I don’tbelieve you.”

He reached for herhand, gripping it when she started to pull away. “We have twodays.”

“I don’twant to be here.”

“Or we have twoweeks. You choose.”

She blinked at him.“What's that supposed to mean?”

“It means,darling, that we’re not leaving until I get you to listen tome.”

“You can’tjust keep me here. I have work.”

“Kane willunderstand.” He told her carelessly.

Her eyes blazed. “Isthat your approach? You don’t know the meaning of commitment asyou’ve proven so clearly before. I happen to value what I do. Idon’t have an unlimited supply of resources to my name. Iwasn’t born with a gold spoon in my mouth- “

“I think it’ssilver.”


“You said goldspoon. I do believe it is silver.” He said solemnly.

She stared at himand could feel the smoke coming out of her ears. “I hate you.”Dragging her hand away from his she pushed to her feet and went overto grab her jacket.

“Where are yougoing?”

“There must bea neighbor somewhere, I can make a call.”

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