Page 47 of Kenji

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“Strongheartbeat. I’m more concerned about the mother. She isn’tretaining any nutrients, but the drip should take care of that.”She touched his arm lightly. “I envy her.”

He gave her anincredulous look as he pressed the fob. “What the hell for?”

“You’redevoted to her.”

“She meansthe world to me and –“ He broke off with a sigh. “Theguy isn’t in the picture, and it makes me so mad that I want tobreak something, preferably his face.”

“I can seethat.”

“Yeah.”He dragged his fingers through his hair. “Look, I’m notthinking straight right now, and I have this meeting with my agent.I’ll see you later-“ He shook his head. “I have tocome and see her later. Keep me posted.”


“Yeah?”Her voice stopped him while he was getting into the vehicle.

“I really likeyou.”

“I like youtoo.” He grinned at her carelessly. “See you soon.”

Olivia stood there inthe cold, her white lab coat flapping in the harsh March wind, afrown on her brow.



“Late lastnight. I’ve been flying for what seems like days. Your messagesounded urgent, but I was on my way back anyway. Well?”

“Well?”Kane wanted to knock his teeth down his throat. “Is that allyou have to say?”

Kenji shrugged andwalked over to look out the window. He’d chased Kane down andfound him at his Midtown office, which was handy as he didn’twant to face her. Not yet.

“I’mhere, am I not?” He turned to look at his cousin. It was hardto believe he’d been away a little over three months. He’dlike to think he had his head on straight, but he wasn’t sureabout that. “I’ve been checking in on the progress of thecompany, and everything is going well.”

“Where thehell were you?”

“Tibet.”A smile touched his lips briefly. “From there, I went to theHimalayas and then Jamaica. It was a hell of a journey.”

“Aren’tyou going to ask about her?” Kane demanded.

“Not myplace.”

“You were justusing her?”

“We used eachother.”

“You son ofa bitch.”

Kenji’s eyesflared. “Watch it.”

“You leftwithout a word- “

“I didn’towe her anything. We had a moment, and it’s over.”

“How thehell can you be so cavalier?”

“I wormedmyself into her life, and something happened. She’s seeingsomeone- “

“She’s inthe hospital.” Kane watched with grim satisfaction as hestiffened.

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