Page 4 of Kenji

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There were a fewspats and just the other day, a blossoming romance between thehostess and the sous-chef had gone up in flames, leading to someminor crisis that she’d managed to sort out.

She was enjoyingherself and even getting to know Kane. There was just one hitch andthat was his cousin Kenji. The man was arrogant and rude and got onher nerves, to say the least. She figured if she ignored him, shewould be okay.


Kenji was restless,which wasn’t unusual. He possessed this edge that made itimpossible to stay still for very long. He felt like a caged tiger.It’d been that way since he was growing up.

That was the one ofthe reasons he’d been enrolled in various sports as well asmarital arts. He’d mastered everything he put his hands to –he was an expert in taekwondo and enjoyed it.

The art had saved hislife more than once while he’d been in Korea. His expressiondarkened as the memories came flooding back. They’d taken outhis father and uncle and had put his mother in a wheelchair until shehad succumbed to her illness, two years ago.

He was still grievingand the anger inside him couldn’t be quelled or even subdued.They’d caught the guys responsible for the heinous act, somerenegade gang who were intent on wiping out the supposed rich guys‘riding on the backs of the oppressed’.

He was an Americancitizen, but he loved Korea and it was still his home. He resentedthe fact that now he was relegated to staying where he was. Otherswere out to get him and as Kane pointed out, he was still in danger.

Picking up the drinkhe’d poured, he climbed out of the indoor pool, water streamingoff his naked body. Grabbing a towel, he used it to wipe most of thewater off him, before dropping down into the comfortable chaise.

He wasn’tcurrently seeing anyone right now. One reason was that he wasn’treally in the mood to cultivate a relationship and the other being hewas restless and angry all the time.

He was grieving forhis entire family, especially his mother. He was an only child andthe extent of his family had narrowed to Kane. He felt like the manwas determined to try and run his life. He had the utmost respect forKane and Kelly, but the interference was driving him nuts.

“You’venot been in for meetings, Kenji. The company is yours, completelyyours and you need to at least show your face.”

“You sit on theboard.” He pointed out.

“My interest inthe company is tiny. I have my own company to run.”

“They killed myparents and my uncle.” He said bitterly. “I wasn’tsupposed to inherit this for years and now I’m head of theeverything because those bastards saw fit to kill my family. I wantto kill them with my bare hands.”

“You could dothat.” Kane told him quietly. “But they’re rottingaway in a deep dark hole and paying for their crimes.”

“It will neverbe enough.”

“I know.”He agreed quietly. “The fact remains they’re gone andit’s up to you to carry on. I’m here to help you withanything you need.”

Leaning his headback, he took a sip of the scotch and closed his eyes briefly. Kanewas right. He was going to have to get it together.


Kelly rubbed thecream into her skin and gave her husband a bland stare. “What’sthat look for?”

“I can’tbelieve you’re even entertaining the idea of them together.”

“Why?”He’d slipped out of the robe and was walking toward the bed.Kelly felt the familiar heat between her thighs. She’d beenmarried to Kane for a number of years and he still managed to makeher feel as if she’d just met him.

“Because that’sso beneath you, darling.” She slipped off her silk robe andjoined him in bed. “Kenji is a wild card.” She rubbed herhands over his smooth chest and murmured deep inside her throat.“Chantelle is as cool as a cucumber and they can’t standeach other.”

“There’ssomething there. I’ve seen the chemistry between them.”He reached for her, his expression tender. “I also remember howmuch I fought the attraction I felt for you.”

“You thought Iwas a shameless hussy.” Her lithe curves settled on top ofhim.

“You are ashameless hussy.” His hands settled on the taut buttocks.

“Aren’tyou happy I didn’t give up?” She whispered against hismouth.

“I thank theheavens every single day. Will you help?”

“Hmm?”She was busy rotating her hips against his cock.

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