Page 3 of Kenji

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She hadn’t beenimpressed by him and had told him coolly he was a businessman andshould know better than to drop by unannounced. "I will give Mr.Major your message and if you need to see him, I suggest you call andmake an appointment."

He’d stared ather with those unreadable dark eyes of her and she’d staredright back, refusing to be intimidated.

The next day, hecalled and asked her to have lunch with him. She’d thoughtfleetingly he was trying to hit on her, but she’d seen picturesof him and his wife and knew that wasn’t the case.

The venue had beenhis new restaurant slated to open in a few months. The chef hadprepared lobster in raspberry sauce and had her salivating. He madehis pitch. "I’ve got a gut feeling you’re who I needto manage this place." He’d told her in his deep voice.The man was hot - extremely hot, with his tall lean frame andhandsome face.

He was all business.His wife had called during their meeting and she’d blinked insurprise at the change in his expression. His dark eyes had goneliquid and a smile flirted at the sensuous lips.

He'd excused himselfto take the call but hadn’t gone too far away. He’d beennear enough for Chantelle to notice his body language. She recalledthinking to herself that to love like that must be heaven on earth.

He'd come back, thesmile still lingering on his lips and the slightly bemused expressionon his face. "My wife wants to meet you."


He nodded. "She’son her way back from an appointment. We’re in competition witheach other and it gets fierce sometimes." He resumed eating.

"Why does shewant to meet me?"

"She’dlike to form her own opinion. Check you out, so to speak."

"I haven’tagreed to accept the position yet." She reminded him.

"Haven't you?"He leaned back against the padded seat and gave her a direct lookthat almost had her squirming. "I’m offering you twice thesalary you’re getting, along with the freedom to do as youplease, within reason. Also, the health benefits to go along with it.

I can see you’reexcited at the prospect of managing a place of this magnitude. You’renot easily ruffled, and what's more, you don't give a damn who I am.Most people would have rushed to announce my presence at that office,but you didn’t. I’m not easily impressed and I was, rightafter I calmed down."

She inclined herhead. "Then let me ask you this – you’re friendswith my employer, is it that easy for you to steal me away?"

He smiled at that."This is purely business and Greg will understand that." Helooked up then, his face lighting up as an incredibly beautiful womanglided in. Kelly Takahashi defined grace and style. She’d beenwearing a chic yellow dress with thin straps and high heel shoes.

Her husband roseto his feet and reached out to pull her into his arms. Right therebefore her, he’d kissed her with a passion that had herfidgeting in her seat.

“We’reembarrassing the poor woman.” Kelly chided, touching his cheekgently. “You must be Chantelle. It’s nice to meet you.”

She took a seat nextto her husband, her hand still clasped in his. They were a unit andthat was very obvious.

“I am. I stillhave magazines with you on the cover.”

Kelly laughed,golden-brown eyes twinkling. “My husband still isn’tcomfortable with other men ogling those photos.” She gaveChantelle an appraising look. “Now he wants to steal you awayfrom Greg. My husband and I are always in competition,” Sheglanced over at him. “Makes the marriage very interesting.”

“You’renot stealing her away.” He told her mildly.

“More likeenticing.” Kelly grinned at Chantelle. “I can tell youI’m much more interesting and fun to work with, but my darlinghere is sober and fair. I love him too much to do that to him.”

“She can makeup her own mind.” Her husband pointed out.

“The place isamazing.” Chantelle enthused. “I adore the gardens andhow on earth did you get streams in the middle of the city?”

“She’ssold darling.” Kelly told him, before turning back toChantelle. “Kane is very innovative and a smart businessman. Hewas determined this restaurant would be something extraordinary. Whatdo you think of the food?”


They’d gottendown to basics by discussing pay and compensation packages. To hersurprise, Greg Major had wished her the very best.

“I can’tresent Kane for doing what I would’ve done.”

She enjoyed thehectic day to day operations. It was her first time running arestaurant, but it wasn’t too much of a step away from whatshe’d been doing for years. Kane had given her the kind offreedom she enjoyed and the men and women working beneath her weremore or less easy to handle.

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