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“Ohhh.” I take it with surprise as I am ushered into the room, the door closing swiftly behind me.

“Come sit, darling. Let’s get you ready for the ball!” she singsongs, encouraging me to sit in a seat they have set up in front of a mirror. I don’t drink a lot, but maybe this glass of bubbles will steady my racing heart. Taking a sip, I sit down, spotting the rack of clothing. One woman gets busy with the hairdryer and the other two talk with me about the clothing and what I like to wear, so we can confirm a dress and colors. Once decided, I exhale any jitters, relaxing into getting pampered as I let them get to work.


As I pull on my suit jacket and look in the mirror, I am happy with the result. I have a million suits, but I bought a new one this week, with the assistance of the same stylist helping Emily down the hall. I wanted tonight to be perfect. It is crisp, all black, and perfectly tailored, and I hope in conjunction with the formal dress Emily wears, we are a stunning couple. It has been a few hours since Emily has been in the room with the team, and I look at my Rolex, knowing that we need to leave soon.

The car is waiting for us downstairs, and I hate being late. My shiny black dress shoes click on the polished marble as I walk to the kitchen to wait for her. Grabbing a glass, I pour myself a whiskey, and as I lift it to my mouth, I stop midway, my eyes taking in the woman who leaves me breathless.

She is fucking gorgeous. Her floor-length dress hugs her curves, blood red, with embroidered sparkles that glisten in the light when she moves. It is strapless, and her breasts look immaculate as her complexion glows against the vibrant color. Her long hair is styled in glossy waves without a hair out of place as it drapes around her neck and down one side, showing off her diamond and ruby earrings. I subtly adjust myself because just the look of this woman makes me stand at attention.

My eyes devour her, my hand gripping onto the kitchen counter as I drink her in. She is glamorous, absolutely otherworldly. Entirely out of my league.

I put my glass down without taking a sip and stalk over to her. She is taller with heels on, but she still looks up at me like I am her everything.

“Mr. Rothschild, you look very dapper this evening,” she says on a breath to me, smiling as my hand reaches for her waist and rests on her curvy ass. I stand in front of her, taking her in.

“You are breathtaking, and I am not letting you out of my sight.” I peck her on the lips, not wanting to ruin her makeup before the night has started. Her eyes widen so slightly, I would have missed it if I blinked. I have no idea what is happening here. It is a contract, an agreement, an arrangement… whatever we’re calling it. But I stepped over that line weeks ago, and now she just feels like mine. My doorbell buzzes, startling us apart, and I thread my fingers through hers.

“Ready to go?” I ask, just as the team of women walk out and discreetly leave. She nods, and I grab my phone, ensuring I have my wallet, no doubt about to spend too much money on an auction prize I don’t need to support the charity.

The drive is short, the function being held at a nearby six-star hotel, which has the largest ballroom in all of the city. Within seconds of our car stopping at the front, the hotel doorman opens our car door, the luxurious efficiency almost startling. Instinctively, I reach out, grabbing Em’s hand, and together we step out and walk through the dazzling glass doors into the large marble foyer.

There are people everywhere, as tonight’s event is one of the most prominent charity events of the year, and I don’t miss all the eyes on us as we make our way through the crowd. A few flashes go off around us, and where usually I would stop in front of the media wall and have more photos taken, I feel Em’s body stiffen. So I keep us walking, bypassing any media, and we make our way straight inside into the already very full ballroom. I scour the room and spot Eddie and Tennyson over in the far corner, so I beeline right to them.

“Boys,” I say with a sly grin, shaking their hands in greeting, knowing I am, without a doubt, with the most beautiful woman in this entire room tonight.

“Eddie, Tennyson, this is Emily Carr,” I say, putting my arm around her back, bringing her closer. She smiles and nods, extending her hand, and they shake.

“Nice to meet you,” Eddie offers before introducing her to his date, Natalie.

“Pleasure is mine,” Tennyson murmurs to her, and I elbow him in the ribs. He cackles at me then, before introducing his date, who looks entirely too young for him and already seems bored even though the night hasn’t even begun.

The women make small talk, and I am pleased to see Em already hitting it off and looking more comfortable. She is good like that. She can walk into any room and genuinely talk and listen to whomever is with her. She isn’t clinging to me and can hold her own. It feels good to have her here with me.

“Fuck me, please tell me she has a friend,” Tennyson says to me quietly as he sips his whiskey, and I smile, like the cat who got the canary.

“Keep your eyes on her face, asshole,” I say to him in jest, nudging him in the side as I see his eyes roam over my woman.

“Punching above your weight with her, brother.” Ribbing me again, I can’t help but smile wider. Fake or real, I’m fucking happy, so sue me.

“How is everything with the school?” Harrison asks as he steps into our conversation.

“The school is cleaned, but there is still a lot of work to do. Beasley is still interested and will probably pull the same shit again,” I reply, and he sighs in frustration, before being pulled away immediately. Such is the life of the governor. He is trusting me that I know what I am doing, which is bad, because I have no fucking idea how I am going to keep the woman and the client. I’m not particularly wanting to deal with the latter, but knowing I need to be really sure about him before I make any rash decisions. I need to have a formal meeting with my brothers to discuss it further, as Eddie and Tennyson need to agree on all family business arrangements such as this. Millions of dollars will be wiped from our bottom line if we let him go. It will hurt.

“And I thought this night was going to be delightful, but here comes our dark cloud to spoil it all. As per usual,” Tennyson murmurs.

“Boys!” my mother says as she sashays up to us, giving us the once-over. “Nice to see you all made it.” The smile plastered on her face is as fake as the wrinkle-free skin on her forehead.

“Hi, Mom,” Eddie murmurs.

Tennyson ignores her completely, turning and walking away, back to his date, who looks to be taking selfies near the bar.

“Benjamin. Who is your date this evening? Is this the supposed fiancée I have heard so much about, but have never met?” Her words knife me a little as she looks over my shoulder. I feel Em come up beside me, her fingers intertwining with mine at our sides.

“Mom, this is Emily. Em, this is my mother, Diane.” I make the introductions and internally cringe that I didn’t prepare Em for this at all.

“Ohh, how lovely to meet you. I would like to say that I have heard so much about you, but Benjamin has told me nothing.” My mother speaks pointedly, and I feel her words like barbs on my skin.
