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“Rosie did well this morning?” Ben says, and I watch as a small smile comes to his face at the mention of my daughter.

“She did. She loves the pool.”

I think about Rosie and Ben this morning, and my stomach flutters at the memory of them playing together. I never would have thought this man would be so good around children. He is a highflyer, city slicker, suit-wearing, billionaire lawyer. Something my history tells me I should stay right away from, yet here we are, driving to his apartment, where I will stay with him after the fundraising gala tonight and have the most amazing sex of my entire life.

I’m nervous. I’m nervous to go to the gala and meet his family. I’m nervous being in the city again. I’m nervous about leaving Rosie. She has stayed at George’s a lot, but I have always been in the neighborhood. This time, I am going to be hours away and staying the night in the city, not able to get to her quickly if I need to, so it is a new kind of anxiety setting my nerves on edge. Like he can read my mind, Ben squeezes my hand again, letting it rest in his grip on his strong thigh.

My other hand rests on his luxurious black soft leather seat. Looking around his car, I see a child’s car seat in the back. It is brand new, top of the line, and safely secured, and I smile, thinking about how generous and caring he is to purchase such an item, obviously thinking he would need it. The car slows as he drives into a parking garage at the side street of a high-rise, and we go into another gated area, which looks reserved for fancy rich people. I say that because all I can see are sports cars, Bentleys, and a few fancy-looking Escalades parked side by side.

“This is my private entrance,” he says as he parks. “My brothers and I all live in this high-rise, and we have the top four floors.” Quickly jumping out of the car, he comes around to open my door. Stepping out, I take a deep breath as he grabs my bag from the back seat and we walk to the elevator, which opens immediately at our presence.

The elevator is pristine, just like the garage, and I feel embarrassed about my tiny apartment and the building that it is in, knowing it is nothing like this. There is not one scratch, no peeling paint, no graffiti, no stained carpets, and certainly no smell. As we step in, he presses the button that says PH2, and I swallow. Of course he lives in the penthouse. I look at the buttons on the elevator, and I can see there are four penthouses—one for him and each of his brothers.

As the elevator makes its way up the forty floors, I take a breath to steady my racing heart. The clean lemon-fresh aroma is a far cry from the dampness I normally smell in my apartment block, and again I internally cringe at the distinct differences between us.

He squeezes my hand, and I look up at him. His gaze resting on my face, he asks, “You okay, baby?” I nod, not sure I can use my voice. I give him a small smile, and he bends down and kisses me, which helps calm my nerves a little.

We break away from each other as the elevator stops at his floor. The doors open right into his living room space, so I don’t have time to prepare myself for the onslaught of luxury that slaps me in the face.

I stop a few steps in and look around. The floors are polished gunmetal-gray marble, his furniture black leather, glass and chrome features heavily decorating the space, and there is a large luxurious rug covering the main living area. Floor-to-ceiling windows show the city skyline overlooking the large park across the street, the view of the sunset tonight no doubt a highlight every day. It is very masculine, and nothing at all like the dainty apartment Rosie and I call home.

He has an oversized plasma screen on one wall and some decor peppered around the room. Along one side, the room opens up to a massive kitchen, which is black, glossy, and full of high-end appliances. I see a formal dining area just beyond it and a breakfast bar with comfortable-looking stools in front.

“Baby?” he says, and I whip my head around to look at him, now acutely aware that I am gaping at his residence. I bring my lips together and smile, feeling extremely overwhelmed. You would think that I would be somewhat used to seeing places like this, having lived in a similar place with Jeremy for a while, but this place is next level, and nothing like I have seen before.

“You have a beautiful home, Ben,” I say on a breath, and he walks to me.

“You are beautiful, Em. This is just stuff,” he says, sweeping his arm out around the room, then he takes my lips again, his arms grabbing me around the waist and pulling me to him tightly.

A loud buzzer noise sounds, and I pull away and look around, not sure what it is or what to expect. Ben walks over to the wall and picks up the intercom.

“Come up,” he says, before returning his attention to me. “I will let in the team, and then I’ll show you around.” I wonder what team he is referring to. The elevator doors open again, and three women walk out, two pulling a suitcase each and another pushing a clothing rack full of garments in zippered bags.

“Where would you like us, Ben?” one of the women asks.

“Down the hall, second room on the left,” he says, nodding in the same direction.

They nod and walk down the hallway, clearly familiar with the place.

When I look up at him, his eyes are already on me. “I told you I would organize your dress, hair, and makeup.” My eyebrows rise in surprise. He did say that, but I thought I would be doing my own hair and makeup and perhaps there would be a suitable dress that he picked up midweek. Like a rental or something. But by the looks of the women and the amount they are carrying, this is going to be an onslaught I am not prepared for.

“Come on, let me show you around so you can shower and get ready,” he says, taking me by the hand and guiding me down the hallway.

The tour takes us to three spare bedrooms, each with their own bathroom. An office, another living room, what looks like a gym, a room with a bar and billiard table, and then his master suite. He drops my bag in his wardrobe, which is bigger than my entire bedroom at home, and lets me take it in. I walk around slowly, my eyes glued to everything. His bed is huge, so big, I am sure at least five adults could fit with ease. The plush carpet feels soft under my feet and floor-to-ceiling drapes frame the large windows, with French doors-style panes that open to a massive private terrace, with outdoor furniture and an amazing view.

“Let me turn on the shower for you and you can freshen up.” I feel like I am sleepwalking as I follow him into his bathroom and am immediately gobsmacked. Again, marble on the floor and walls, a double-sink vanity unit, one wall entirely mirrored, and a two-person shower. On the other side is a soaking tub, big enough for a party, with low windows next to it, which allow you to soak with a view of the city as well.

“Perhaps I can help you undress…” Ben says, walking up behind me, dropping his mouth to my neck, his hands exploring under my top. I lean my head back against his shoulder and close my eyes. He is solid, protective. I feel safe and adored by this man, and although I feel completely out of my comfort zone here, I concentrate on his touch.

His phone vibrates in his pocket, and he groans. Stopping his kisses, he grabs his phone and looks at the screen.

“Sorry, baby, I have to take this. It’s my brother,” he says, showing me the screen. The name Harrison flashes on it, a stark reminder that I am with the governor’s brother.

“Here,” he says, leaning into the shower and fixing the temperature. “Relax in here, and when you are done, put on a robe and head to the spare room to the team when you are ready. I will be in the den if you need me.” He kisses me again as steam fills the bathroom, and he walks out, smirking at me, making me smile in return.

I do as he says, and strip naked to enjoy his hot shower, lathering my body in his soap, smelling him all around me. Once clean and dry, I put on a robe, which looks new and unused, and the perfect size for me. I grin, knowing he must have purchased this just recently, and I tiptoe down the hall. Opening the spare room door slowly, the team of people Ben has assembled are all ready and waiting.

“She’s here!” one woman coos, while another hands me a glass of champagne.
