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“Ben… Oh my… Ben!” she cries out in pleasure, my name on her lips music to my ears as I smile against her clit. As she comes down from her high, I slow my pace and remove my finger, gripping her thighs and keeping them spread wide. My hands hold her in place as I lick every last drop of her, never wanting it to end.


I pant, breathless, not sure why I ever waited so long to experience something that euphoric. Ben is much better than any of my battery-operated friends, that is for sure. That was one of the best orgasms of my entire life, and it was over much too soon.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, especially when you come with my name on your lips,” he says, crawling up my body before taking my mouth again. I taste a mix of him, warm coffee, and myself, and it has me moaning and ready for more.

He lies on top of me, resting his weight on his elbows on either side of my head, as I feel his long, heavy cock throbbing in need against my stomach. I was taken aback when I lowered his jeans. The confidence I had to take what I wanted is something new, but he makes me feel safe. Something I haven’t felt in too long. It has been a while since I have been with a man and certainly have never been with a man so big. Jeremy was my one and only. He took everything from me, including my innocence.

This man’s tongue is magic, and I already know that I will be craving him again. We shouldn’t be doing this. We have very clearly stepped over the line with each other, but even though I know it is a bad idea, I can’t stop these intense feelings I have for him.

“You okay?” he asks seriously, brushing a few strands of hair away from my face as his eyes meet mine.

“Never been better,” I reply, a wide grin overtaking my face at how he’s looking at me. There’s something in his eyes that has me damn-near melting.

“Good, now I want to fuck you with my cock like I have wanted to since the night I met you,” he says as his kisses move to my neck, hitting my sweet spot right below my ear that pulls a moan directly from my lips as my body begins to heat again. I am a moaning, panting mess underneath him in seconds; it is like he knows my body better than I do. My need for him is not sated, not even close. I could lie here with this man all evening and still not get enough.

“Ben…” I moan his name, not caring about anything else in this moment.

“I like it when you moan my name. I’m going to like it even better when you scream it,” he says, not letting up on his assault. I shiver in response.

My hands roam over his body, wanting to feel every inch of him. He is strong. His muscles are firm, and it is evident that he works out regularly. I have never seen a man so defined and certainly never had one in my bed. Being with Jeremy was never like this. Jeremy always took what he wanted and never gave anything in return. His strength was always used against me.

When my hand reaches his cock, I wrap my fingers around his length and give him a small pump. As I do, he growls, a deeper sound than I’ve heard yet rumbling from his chest. That alone could probably make me come again.

“You keep teasing me like that, baby, and I can’t be held responsible for what happens,” he grits out, and my heart stalls for a beat. That word. In one little word my body feels like mush. Our nicknames for each other before this were cute, funny, a bit flirty, but Ben calling me baby, I didn’t know how good that would feel. I smile against his mouth. The way he is working me over, I will be his baby today, tomorrow, and the next day.

“I think we are way past the point of responsibility now, aren’t we?” I whisper, my tongue darting out, licking his lower lip.

“I need to be inside you.” He speaks against my lips as he pushes himself into my grip. He is heavy and throbbing in my hand, making my body weak with need.

“I want that too.” When he looks into my eyes, I nod, reinstating my desire. I’ve never wanted anything as much as I do Ben.

Quickly, he sits up and leans over the bed to his jeans, grabbing a condom from his wallet. I watch him as he grips and sheaths himself, and I swallow, wondering if I’ll be able to take all of him.

“It's been a long time for me, Ben,” I whisper, feeling delicate in his arms as he hovers above me, his gaze piercing mine. Vulnerability is sneaking into my nerves, something I hate.

“I’ll go slow. I want to take my time with you,” he whispers back, his lips touching mine. He is gentle as he kisses me, our tongues tangling in a slow and treasuring dance. I feel safe in his arms, as his hand runs down my stomach. His fingers circle my clit, spreading the wetness and making my body come alive, automatically reacting to his touch.

I feel him then, slowly pushing into me, and I completely surrender to every sensation. This is what I have been missing. I have been so busy being a mom and looking over my shoulder every minute of every day that I forgot what this feels like. I forgot what it feels like to be a woman. To be wanted. My breath hitches slightly as he presses in farther, inch by another inch, and my back arches like he commanded it. His mouth has now moved to my neck, to my sweet spot again, sending small shivers through me, my body not quite my own anymore. It is all his.

“Fuck, you feel so incredible, baby,” he grits out, clearly trying to restrain himself, but I lift my legs and wrap them around his waist, opening myself up to take him deeper. We both groan as he bottoms out, his hips flush against mine, grinding into me. My hands grip his shoulders, and our movements find a rhythm that’s making my head numb with pleasure. Slowly, he begins to edge out a little and then back in again. The pace along with his fingers on my clit and his mouth on my body create a perfect symphony. He is a conductor to my body, already knowing where my most sensitive spots are and how to make them sing. I have never had this before. I have never had slow and sensual, where the focus has been solely on me.

“Ben… everything you’re doing is perfect. Feels sooooo good.” I half whisper, half moan, my words almost a slur as my body moves automatically with his. His thrusts quicken as does his pressure on my clit and I feel the telltale build as my back arches more, my bare breasts pushing against his naked chest, the feeling of skin on skin only adding to my hunger for release. My fingers dig into his shoulders, and then I run them up into his hair, pulling him to me, not wanting any space between us. I crave his touch. I crave him desperately.

“Fuck, Em, you were made for me. This goddamn body, every inch of it, I can’t get enough.” He moans low and deep as he punctuates his statement with a punishing thrust that kicks off another and another, our skin slapping against each other as we both chase the massive high we know is cresting within our reach.

I feel it building. Even more powerful than before. Pushing my head back into my pillow, my moans and pants and whimpers are beyond my control. My body now belongs to Ben. I feel close, like I will explode from the pressure mounting within me, the feeling of him inside me igniting something I didn’t even know I could feel.

“Don’t stop, please, don’t stop…” I beg, so close, my body chasing the feeling, meeting him thrust for thrust.

“I feel you clenching that perfect pussy for me. You take me so well. So. Fucking. Good,” Ben growls, gripping my hip tight, and I know he is close. “Come for me, baby. I know you’re close. I want to feel you come all over my cock.”

I don’t know if it is the dirty talk or the fact that he can play my body like Mozart does a piano, but I let go with a scream, pulsing around him and my nails digging into his shoulders. I pant out his name, still reveling in the lasting pleasure with every one of his thrusts, and he follows me.

“Fuuuuck, Emmm,” he moans, emptying himself in me, our hands gripping each other’s bodies as we battle wave after wave. When we’re both spent, he collapses on top of me, rolling off and onto his back beside me.

The two of us are quiet for a beat, our breaths heavy, both looking at the ceiling.
