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“God, your body is fantastic,” I start, as my hands mold along her muscles, smoothing lower and pulling her to me. “Your eyes, your smile, your laugh… fuck, my list is long,” I murmur as I duck my head and run my nose up her neck, breathing her in.

“Ben…” she pants, her head falling to the side a little, opening up to me.

“I love the way your body feels against mine. I’m so fucking hard for you right now, Emily…” I whisper against her skin.

“It feels so good to be in your arms,” she whispers back, and I pull away and look at her, to see that honesty written in her expression. Staring down at her, her eyes are lust drunk, her hair a little messed up, cheeks flushed. She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

“I’ve been waiting all day to get my lips on yours,” I growl, cupping her jaw with my hands and pulling her to me. Without waiting another moment, I lean in and capture her lips in mine. Her lips part in surprise, and I sweep my tongue across them, a little whimper sounding from her throat rewarding me to keep going.

Her hands come up and grip on to my wrists as she gives me the access I was waiting for, and I delve into her warm mouth with abandon. Her initial shock has gone, and she releases any tension from the day in a moan that shoots right down my body. She is now kissing me back just as feverishly, and like a bonfire, we erupt.

She pushes her front door wider with her hip and we stumble through it, our lips not parting, our legs and arms doing a dance to feel our way inside. We are in a frenzy, but it isn’t happening fast enough. Bending down, I grab her ass, hoisting her small frame up my body, feeling electric when she wraps her legs around my waist. Kicking the apartment door closed with my foot, my palms mold to her ass as my tongue tangles with hers. I’m consumed with tasting every inch of her beautiful body. Right here, right now.

“Tell me where to go, or I am having you right here,” I growl, my dick so hard, it’s throbbing.

“Second door on the right,” she pants as she pulls away from my mouth and starts to tear at my shirt, trying to get it off me. I grip her ass with one hand and help her with the other. We are frantic, the past month pure foreplay as we danced around each other, and now we can’t stop, no matter if we should or not.

She may be my fake fiancée, but nothing about this is fake.

I find the room she indicated and see her large, perfectly made bed in the center, throwing her on it before kicking off my shoes. Unbuttoning my jeans, I stop when I see her in only her underwear—fucking black lace, just how I imagined it to be.

“Fuck. Do you know how long I have wanted you? To see you like this? You’re like all my fucking dreams put together,” I groan out as I stalk to her and pull her to me, my hands gripping around her bare waist. She smiles up at me in response, and like a silent call, my lips are on hers again. Standing next to the bed, she is on her knees on the mattress, and I let my hands wander. I roam her body, the feeling of her soft skin and her dips and curves causing all the blood in my body to rush to my cock, which is straining against my jeans.

“You are so fucking beautiful,” I murmur like I am in a trance. Her hands mirror mine, running across my body, treating me with sweet caresses that make me shiver. We are both exploring, our eyes looking over the other in the moments our lips part, then going back for more. I see her perfectly curved breasts spilling full in her bra, the way her waist skims in before skirting out and showcasing her hips. The slide of her neck down to her shoulders, her pouty lips, and her bright-blue eyes, my favorite ones. I am enjoying her hands on me too much as they move from my shoulders, down my chest, before resting on the open zipper of my jeans.

I kiss her again then, wanting my mouth on her, needing to taste every inch as she pushes my jeans down, taking my underwear with them.

“Do you know how many times I have visualized you in black lace underwear?” I murmur to her.

“Probably as many times as I have thought about you naked,” she says, a small smile gracing her lips that makes me chuckle.

With my hard cock freed, she wraps her hand around it, and my head rolls back as a growl escapes my chest.

“You be careful with that. He has a lot of work to do because I am making you mine tonight. And I plan on letting everybody in this building know about it,” I growl into her mouth as I press a rough kiss to her lips, dragging them down her jaw to her neck.

I bring my hands up her body and wrap my fingers in her hair, struggling to understand how her body next to mine can already feel better than any of those that came before her.

"Are you going to just talk about it, or are you going to do something about it?” Even now, she likes to push my buttons. Huffing a laugh, I grab her around the waist with one arm and lift her before I join her on the bed and I lay her down. Hovering over her, I let my eyes wander again, looking at her splayed out on her back underneath me. I want to take my time and cherish her, but I also want to fuck her into the mattress so badly that the two thoughts are competing in my mind.

Her pouty lips part, her nipples peaking against the black lace fabric, and I reach my hand down and brush my fingers along the edge teasingly before pulling it down and exposing her breast. Leaning over, taking it in my mouth, I roll my tongue around her nipple, and then I pull the straps off her shoulders until they are both exposed, sucking on one while molding the other with my hand.

“Yes, Ben…” she pants, her back arching slightly, pushing her chest toward me, her hips moving, trying to find the friction we both want.

“Let me take care of you, Em,” I whisper, her new nickname escaping my lips as they travel down her chest and pepper her stomach before I meet the last piece of black lace. My hands follow down her body, skimming her sides, until I feel the lace that runs across her hips, and I begin pulling it down. Slowly, I remove her underwear like I’m unwrapping my final gift. I see a birthmark on her hip, small and brown like a Milk Dud. A stamp of originality. Most women I meet would laser it from their body, so it is yet another reminder of how genuine Em is. My fingers caress her hips as I expose her to me, a sight that I will never forget. I hear her breath hitch a little, her fingers running up and down her stomach, waiting for my reaction.

“You look so pretty spread out for me…” I murmur, lost in the visual of her.

She glistens, her arousal for me appearing to be just as high as mine is for her. I pull the black lace down her legs and throw it on the floor before slowly kissing back up her leg, taking my time to taste her and feel her soft skin on my lips until I reach the apex between her thighs.

“Mmmm… Yessss… Oh my…” She pants and whimpers, writhing for more, as my lips tickle her skin. I am in heaven.

Her hands land in my hair, and I lick her, all of her, her flavor now embedded on my tongue, and wanting more. I am already addicted. I move my hands to the inside of her thighs and spread her legs wider, giving me full access to her center. I hear her breathing increasing, little pants now audible, and her hands dig into my hair even tighter, pulling a little, making me lick her, taste her, and fuck her with my tongue as if I’ve been starved, not able to get enough of this woman who turned up into my life totally unexpectedly. She moans, her hips starting to move against my mouth, as my tongue delves inside over and over, before I suck on her clit, repeating the motion, again and again. When her grip in my hair becomes almost painful, I know she is enjoying this as much as I am.

“That feels so good…” she moans as her body squirms. I want her to let go for me. She’s so close, I can feel it.

“God, I am so hard for you, watching the way your body moves for me. What are you doing to me?” I murmur against her skin, my body aching for her. I bring my hand close and slip one finger inside her, teasing her slowly, curving it a little while I continue to lap her clit with my tongue. Fuck me if this is not the best Saturday afternoon of my life.

“Ben… Right there—I’m going to…” she pants out as her hips grind against my face faster, and I quicken my pace to match hers. Her body arches just before she shakes and shudders beneath me, whimpering like she’s on the verge of something momentous.
