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“Where are we going?” Emily asks, turning to look at me in question, obviously confused that we are not heading to the highway to take her home.

“I want to show you something before I take you home,” I say, giving her a small smile, which she returns.

“Okay. As long as it isn’t another fancy restaurant. I have never eaten so much in my entire life,” she jokes, as her other hand rests on her tummy, and her head falls back against the seat. She is so beautiful. I chuckle then, her eyes sparkling in delight.

“Tonight was the first date I have been on where the woman has eaten pasta. You continue to surprise me, Doubtfire,” I say as I look across at her. It is true; most women I date push a salad around on their plate, have their face buried in their phone, and drink too much champagne. Tonight was a refreshing change, just like our first date.

“Carbs are an essential dietary requirement; I have no idea why anyone would purposefully not eat bread or pasta. They are my life blood,” she mocks with a smile, one I want to swallow with a kiss.

The car makes a right turn and her body slides across the seat, coming right up against me. My arm is still lying across the back seat, so she fits perfectly into my side. Our eyes remain on each other, and she goes to move, but my other hand moves on its own accord as it rests on her bare knee, keeping her close.

“Ben?” She whispers my name, her breathy tone shooting through my veins and straight to my cock. I like having her close to me. Just like at the swimming pool, I am feeling greedy, my hands not only wanting to touch her, but almost needing to.

“We’re nearly there,” I respond, wanting her to stay cupped into my side. Squeezing my fingers on her knee, I lift my hand to her face and grab her jaw, strumming my fingers up and down her jawline, my internal battle to pull her lips to mine on repeat in my mind.

“Where are you taking me?” her voice purrs out, our faces so close I can nearly feel her breath on my skin.

“Somewhere I have never taken anyone before.” Her eyes crinkle in question. I move my hand back to her knee, and then I feel her. With her hand resting on top of mine, I bite on my back molars, waiting for her to push my hand away. Instead, her fingers curl around mine, and I turn my hand, cupping hers and holding it tight on her knee.

We are so focused on each other that neither of us realizes the car has stopped until Ralph opens his door and steps out. The slam of the door shutting is the only thing pulling us apart.

My grip on her hand remains because I don’t want to let her go. Our eyes remain locked, unspoken words sitting in my chest, as the two of us look over each other, searching for answers that I don’t think either of us have yet.

I swallow, trying to collect myself before I pull away, her hand falling to her side as I open my door and step out, the cool night air slapping my face. Standing outside, I straighten my jacket. What the hell am I thinking? I crack my neck before reaching in and offering her my hand, trying to be the gentleman, when I really want to be anything but.

She grabs it without hesitation and steps out to join me, and I watch her expression as she looks around. Ralph is nowhere to be seen, and I smile when I see her eyes widen when she takes in the view.

“Wow…” she says, her feet moving slowly toward the millions of lights off in the distance, her heels crunching on the gravel underneath her feet.

“Where are we?” she asks in wonder. The city lights twinkle and shimmer like stars, the whole scene mesmerizing.

“My estate,” I offer, almost cringing when I say it, because it is all a little obscene, even if it is my sanctuary.

“What?” she asks, turning to me in shock. I watch her eyes darting around, trying to see anything. But there is darkness all around us, the sparkling city lights all framed by tall trees on either side.

“I have an estate just out of town. Here on the hill is the best view of the entire city. My house is just over there.” I point, and she turns to look.

“The view is amazing.” She forgets all about my home and looks at the lights again. The city is so small up here. It looks almost tranquil, like we are sitting in the stars.

“Let’s go up to the pavilion.”

I just sent Dale off to a fucking shelter while I take Emily to my fucking pavilion. I never thought too much about the financial divide before, but tonight it is sinking in deep. Grabbing her hand again, because I just can’t stop fucking touching her, the stress leaves me for a beat when I feel her warm hand in mine.

She follows my lead as we walk the small gravel walkway that is now lit up that leads to my outdoor room, where I have brought no date ever before. She is the first woman to ever set foot inside the gates of my estate. Aside from my brothers and a few friends, I keep this place just for me. I spend the majority of my time in my city penthouse, as it is much easier for work that way. But I need the space, and the fresh air, and this estate gives me that and more.

“This is beautiful. Really, I can’t stop staring at it all.” She smiles up at me, her face illuminated as we head up a few steps to where I have a large lounge with big fluffy pillows to relax on. The small kitchen is tucked away at the back, along with a fire pit that remains unlit because I wasn’t planning on bringing her here.

It is cool, because there are no walls, only four large columns at each corner. But through the darkness, we can see the shadows of my entire estate. Still, the city lights are the main attraction.

“I come out here to think. When I need space.” I find myself opening up to her a little more as we take a seat, fully facing the lights. She kicks off her heels and tucks her legs up on the sofa, sinking into the soft, luxurious fabric. The move would ordinarily annoy me, but tonight it feels oddly comforting and extremely domesticated, and I am glad she feels at ease in my space. I am glad she feels at ease with me.

“Well, thank you for sharing this with me. It’s truly breathtaking, Ben.”

I relax next to her, my hand automatically resting across the back of the sofa behind her. My fingers dangle down, caressing her bare shoulder, running patterns across her skin. She looks up at me and the back of her head settles against my arm. The position is not dissimilar to what we were in moments ago in the car.

“It’s beautiful, Ben. Really, really beautiful. I can’t stop saying it. I could stay right here and look at this every night and never get bored,” she says, tilting her head to look up at me before she looks back out at the view.

“It really is,” I say, but as she gazes out at the lights, my eyes remain on her.
