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When Ben pulls away slightly, we’re both breathless, and I can feel his warmth breath on my cheek as his lips move to my ear.

“They’re gone. Let’s go. I want to take you somewhere,” he says, his voice low and deep, rumbling through my body. My skin prickles with an undercurrent of arousal. He stands tall, fixing his suit, and as I look behind me, the women who I guessed were there moments ago are gone, and I wonder when they left. Together, we walk out of the restaurant before finding Ralph standing by the car outside, waiting for us. We are halfway across the sidewalk before I turn my head and look down the street and stop short.

“Wait,” I say, both Ben and Ralph looking at me before turning to see what I am staring at.

“What the hell is he doing out here so late?” Ben mutters, and we both walk down the sidewalk to meet the homeless man who is curled up, sitting out in front of a nearby bank. It isn’t freezing, but it isn’t entirely warm either, and it will get cooler as the night progresses.

“Dale? What are you still doing out here?” Ben asks, the two of us dressed in our finery as Dale sits in torn jeans and a mismatched sweater.

“Ben! Good to see you,” he says, smiling up at us.

“Dale. Is there somewhere you can go tonight?” I ask, concerned about his well-being.

“Not tonight. The shelters are full,” he mutters with a shake of his head.

“What do you mean, full? How can they be full?” Ben asks, astonished, and understanding washes over me that Ben really has no idea how other people live.

“What about the one off Louis Drive?” I ask, trying to work through my mental file cabinet and think of all the shelters I know. Ones I have used.

“Full,” he says with a sigh.

“What about the one down on Silver Street?” I ask again.

“Full,” he states, his mood now getting lower.

“What about on Commander Drive?” I ask about the small one I know. It is not as well-known and it’s a little farther out of the way so it is less busy. Ben is looking between the two of us, concern etched into his brow at our conversation.

Dale's eyes light up. “I didn’t try that one,” he says.

“Let me call them.” I don’t wait for an answer before I fish out my phone and hit the number that is stored in my cell. I turn my back to talk, leaving Ben and Dale to chat and am relieved when I hear they have a spot.

“I got you in tonight,” I tell him, my smile wide, and see Ben watching me as I deliver the news.

“Really?” Dale says, his eyes lighting up at the news.

“Yes, all free for you tonight. It is a small shelter, so everyone forgets about it,” I say, giving him a look to tell him that he may be able to spend more than one night there.

Ben’s eyes remain on me, curiosity burning in his stare.

“Thank you, Emily. Thank you,” Dale says as he stands and collects his plastic bag of belongings.

“See you around,” he says, as Ben and I stand there looking at his retreating frame.


“Let’s go,” I say, grabbing her hand and leading her back to the car, where Ralph remained waiting for us. I have been on edge since following her to the restrooms, not wanting her away from me for one moment. I haven’t seen Jeremy Lucas since our last trip out for dinner, but I sure as shit am not giving him any leeway when it comes to Emily. I have no idea of their history, but I know he is exactly that. History, and he needs to stay there.

My steps are swift, and I can hear her heels on the pavement as she almost runs to keep up. I feel tense, like something is crawling up my back. How the hell does she know all these shelters in the city? How am I oblivious to the fact that they are all full? The energy humming through my body from the kiss earlier has set me on fire, and that mixed with the conversation just now has me taking it out on the pavement under my feet.

“Slow down,” she says just as we get to the car, and I hold the door open for her and watch her slip into the back seat as I chat with Ralph, telling him the new destination. I don’t miss his surprise as I slide in next to her.

As I sit in the back seat, I am immediately greeted by her soft lavender scent as it wraps around my chest. I was astonished seeing her with Dale just now. I see Dale all the time. He permanently sits outside our offices; that is his spot. My brothers and I always offer him money, and at times we have ensured he has somewhere to go, especially during the winter. Every other woman I have been with looks at him like he is disgusting. Including my mother.

But not Emily.

As Ralph starts to drive, I stretch my arm up and over the back of the seat, trying to get my jumbled feelings under control. The flame that simmered under my skin before kissing her has now turned into a raging inferno, and I want to strip her naked and see the ecstasy I know I will find buried deep inside of her. I try to push the thoughts aside. Harrison’s voice strums in my head to be careful.

I shouldn’t be touching her at all and that is what pisses me off the most. I need her school to keep my client happy, so getting caught up with her is the last thing I need to entertain. But as I sit here in the back seat, I watch her looking out the window at the passing lights, and I feel at peace. There is no one around to see us. No spying eyes, no Sasha to flaunt Emily in front of, yet I want to touch her. This fake engagement we have entered into was one of the stupidest things I have ever thought up. But I would do it all again in a heartbeat to have my lips on her again.
