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He leaned toward me and captured my lips with his, tasting of crab and butter, but also something that was distinctly him. Powerful and heady, and I couldn't get enough of it. I let him lay me back on the blanket and from one moment to the next, he'd changed back into the beautiful being I'd first seen this morning.

Only this morning...that feels completely impossible.

I didn't let myself think of that though, because if I did then my responsible side would come in and ruin this. And I wanted to be free tonight, to let this Sea King do whatever he wanted, to feel beautiful and precious.

I parted my legs for him and reveled in the heavy feel of his body against mine. His sharp teeth nipped at my skin as he made his way down my throat and to my chest. He sat up, kneeling between my spread thighs as his hand coasted up my calves and thighs, then back down, his mouth trailing in the wake. He was taking his time, savoring me like I was his last meal.

His gold gaze traveled slowly down my body in wonder. I could've stayed here all night, letting him touch and look me like that. It was addictive to be so adored.

"You are so beautiful, illuminated by the fire. If your mundane form is this lovely, I hunger to see your sea form."

"What?" I breathed.

"I'm sorry, I should not assume that you will come with me. I just...I can't help but think of it."

"I know. I think about it too," I pulled him down and he stretched out next to me, his head propped up on his hand.

"Tell me about it. What would it be like? What could I expect?"

He hesitated, touching me with a hungry fear, as if he worried I would leave him if he answered. I reached up and ran my hand over his cheek, down the sides of his neck, careful of his gills, to his hardened chest.

"I'm not running," I assured him. "Not tonight. And I want to know."

He nodded.

"Of course, you should. If you go with me, I will...I will bite you. The venom in my bite will bind us together and give you the same abilities I have to shape change. You will have a sea form, many if you choose. And a Mundane form."

Biting? Okay, that's...that's different.

"So I'd be able to come back on land then, if I chose to go with you?" I asked.

"Yes, we could go anywhere you liked. See anything you wanted on land and under the sea. The entire world is open to us, my love, and I will lay it all at your feet if you give me the chance."

I let all of that sink in for a few seconds, waiting for the panic, for my heart to sink and my reasonable, safe side to take over.

But it didn't.

Yes, it was a little scary to think of being bitten. But the transformation? A wave of peace settled over me, giving way to excitement. I wondered if I'd have a fish tail, or tentacles or...?

"Whatever I choose?" I asked.

"Yes, the magic would mold to whatever you wanted." Garrick paused. "You do not seem afraid," he said.

I gave him a slow smile that bloomed into a full one as the crazy rightness of this settled into my soul. And it was crazy. Completely, utterly insane. But the thought of going back to the gloomy library, of cataloguing other people's experiences, their lives, their wondrous adventures while I watch all of life just drift past me? That seemed the craziest option.

Here was not only the chance at a new life, but it was with a male that clearly adored the sand I walked on. What would it be like to spend my life worshipped by him? To be a queen in an underwater kingdom?

I laughed, unhindered, free and I took his face in mine before planting a long, slow kiss to his mouth.

"No, no I'm not afraid."

He grinned at me, exposing those teeth of his.

"Tonight?" I asked. "Could you...could you bite me tonight?"

He startled and stared at me, his cock half extruded from his pocket.

"Are you sure?" his voice was rough, hopeful but hesitant. "Once I do that, there is no going back, my love. And I would rather live in that amulet than force you into this."

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