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He planted a tender kiss on the tip of my nose.

"First, I will fill your stomach, and then your sweet cunt."

My breath hitched as a wave crashed particularly loud in the distance. A thought occurred to me, a crazy, deliciously wicked idea.

"In the water," I breathed, our mouths inches apart. "I want you to take me in the water."

His eyes flared hot and he let loose a growl from low in his chest.

"If I do, it will be in a different form so that I might pleasure both of your wonderful holes at once."

I swallowed, and my clit gave a sharp spasm at what he was saying.


His devilish grin was nearly my undoing.

"Come, my love, I have a feast for you."

I didn't know how the hell I was supposed to eat food after that promise of his, but I let him lead me to the blanket by the fire anyway. I'd missed it, and the extravagant picnic he'd spread out, when I'd walked up and I realized it was because he was the only thing I could see.

I'm falling too fast, this can't be anything but horny.

But I knew that wasn't true. Being horny didn't affect my heart like this, didn't make feel like I could fly. The pure joy in his grin as he started to show me what he'd done, the way his eyes lit up when he saw me...I'd never had that before. Was this what all the fuss was about when it came to finding your person? Was this why some of my friends had risked so much just to spend their lives with someone?

"Sit, sit," he guided me down and poured a glass of chilled wine for me. "I went to the corner market and asked them what you liked."

It was, once again, intensely thoughtful of him not to assume or guess, but actually go the extra effort to ask someone. Before me was the crusty sourdough I adored, herbed goat cheese, grapes, bright green olives and a large covered dish that had steam curling out of the top.

"What's that?" I asked as I popped a grape into my mouth.

He grinned like an excited child on Christmas and tore the lid off. Inside were steamed clams and crab.

My favorite.

"You caught these?"

"Indeed, they sacrificed themselves willingly to celebrate my Queen."

I would've rather not thought of them as being sentient, but it was also pretty damn humbling to hear it.

"I can separate the crab shells. No need for you to waste your efforts there. I require your hands to be strong later tonight."

I flushed deeply at the implication and downed my wine, then poured more before I realized that I didn't want to miss out on the sex this time. I'm sure it was wonderful last night but I only remembered bits and pieces of it. Tonight, I wanted to be as sober as possible, to remember it all.

Garrick started to separate the crab meat from the shell while I piled my plate with the rest of the food. Soon we were devouring the seafood and talking as if we were old friends. He told me of some of his happier childhood memories and I did the same. It struck me that mine were all having something to do with the ocean.

By the time we were done with the food and wine I was more relaxed than I could remember in a very long time.

"You are stunning," he said, brushing some strands of hair from my face. "I love hearing you laugh. I would make you laugh every day for the rest of your life."

"That would be nice."

"You don't believe I can?"

I didn't even have to stop and think.

"I do actually."

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