Page 68 of Monsters in Love

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I understood. He didn’t want to take chances, and neither did I.

“What are you doing, little witchling?” I asked.

She placed a hand that was wrapped in something I had not seen before. Was that a bandage around her hand? Jewelry?

Capricorn pressed her hand over the spot and the floor underneath glowed. The runes melted away. When she stood back up, the floor looked pristine. As if there hadn’t been a spell opening into a portal of doom.

“What did you do?” I asked.

She shrugged. “He used me to open it. I thought it would only be right if I closed it.” She handed a small cylinder to Linden, whose mouth opened in disbelief at what he held in his hand. “I think I’d feel better if you held onto that.”

Linden looked at Capricorn in mild shock. “I see.” He looked at me, then back at her. “Thank you. We would love to study it.”

“Sir,” Jalen said. “Capricorn Jade is one of the highest ranking students in Elfhame, and worked with Professor Snowden—well, when he was still Professor Snowden—in the field of New Magics and Esoteric Spells.”

Linden rocked back on his heels. “That is my area of expertise. Did you create that anchor spell, Ms. Jade?”

“I did,” she said. “I would have done a better job, but I was distracted at the time.”

“Better? I thought you did a fine job with what you did.”

“Thank you, sir,” she said. “We aligned my coursework with Coventry’s internship in mind. Of course, now, I’m not so sure.”

Linden jumped on that before I could. “Not so sure? Where else would you go? If you have competing offers, I am sure I could meet them.”

Capricorn’s cheeks glowed with a burnished copper. It was good to see her color return after her ordeal. “I meant, since Snowden had been my mentor, my application was going through him. He was my sponsor in the program.”

Jalen scoffed. “If you want into the program, you have three referrals right here. We would sponsor you gladly.”

“Hell, I’m the director of the program, and I say you’re in. Just send in the application whenever you’re ready,” Linden said.

“Okay,” Capricorn said. Her smile was all I needed to see.

“Enough of this. Time to nurse our mate.” Rothgar swept her off her feet to smack a loud kiss on her cheek. He and Jalen moved toward the awaiting ambulance. “Declan, you coming?” He called over his shoulder.

Impudent ass. He should remember this moment when I cock block him from Capricorn after she recovered. “Sir, if you need to debrief—”

Grey held up his hand. “I’ll find you at the hospital. Go, Tharraka. Be with your family.”

My hearts surged. I enjoyed hearing that, especially with Capricorn present. “Thank you,” I said, and I caught up to them in a matter of strides.

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About Author

Hi, I’m Elle Cross, drinker of luxury coffee, equal-opportunity eater, ex-world traveler (paused for now, thanks pandemic!), user of way too many parenthetical remarks, and a USA Today Bestselling Author of darkly magical tales.

I'm usually hiding in my writing cave, but I also lurk on Facebook and Instagram, and sloooowly getting into TikTok. The best way to keep up with me will be to join my Inner Circle mailing list!

Tempted: The Fallen


Author’s Note

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