Page 27 of Monsters in Love

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He nuzzled the slope of my cheek before placing a chaste kiss upon it. “I hope you’ve learned your lesson, my sweet little mate.”

The way he said that made my pussy spasm in remembered excitement. “What lesson is that? Never skip cardio? Because I swear I’ve forgotten to breathe.”

“No. That you are mine. And I will remind you of every opportunity.”

I let the old internal arguments die down, the ones about him being crazy and knowing each other for too short a time, and all that. I was with Malcolm for a year and what did I really know of him? Clearly nothing.

I bit my lip. “Will you be mad if I might need reminding? At least for a good while?”

A sly smile crept across his face. He nudged my legs apart. “Anything for my poor forgetful mate.”

“Hey! That’s not what I meant–oh!” Whatever I would have said turned into a moan as he sank two fingers deep into my soaked pussy. He was already teasing at my spot. How did he know my body so well already?

“Yes, yes, I know. You meant it will take a while for you to believe the words even with my actions. I will always remind you.” He punctuated that last bit with a kiss on my nipple between each word.

Well loved, and finally sated, I floated in the warm glow of Kro’s embrace. As I drifted to sleep, Kro tucked me under his chin. I loved feeling his chest rumble as he spoke. “My clan will love this story of how we are now together when I take you to meet them next week.”

My eyelids flew open. I shot upright and glared down at him. “Next week?!”

He tugged me down to steal a kiss from me. “Don’t worry they will love you. I already love you so they must as well.”

“You love me?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“You don’t know me.”

“It is funny you keep saying that,” Kro said. “I know you. Time is of no consequence, though I admit that I have loved you from afar so I have a bit of an advantage there. That doesn’t stop me from loving you now.”

“Even if I don’t know if I can say it back to you yet?”

“Especially not. You already love me, your mind just needs to catch up. And I am patient.”



Two Weeks Later

I sat in Kro's kitchen, recovering from the whirlwind of travel to his clan. Between the rigorous demands of rift-travel, and the hearty embrace of his family, I was beyond exhausted.

“Here, eat.”

In the quiet between bites and pleasantness of just being together and not having to live up to his expectations of me, my expectations of me, I was able to grow quiet.

What was love if not accepting someone–anyone–fully and taking them as they are. I wouldn’t want to change one bit of Kro. And I find that I don’t have to change any part of me for Kro to want to be with me. No conditions. No grand gestures to prove it. Just a simple fact stated.

In the quiet of this revelation between bacon bites, I said, “I love you.”

He paused then placed a hand on my shoulder. “I know. Are you going to eat your bacon?”

“Yes, and I’m not sharing.”

“Good girl. I’ll make some more.”

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