Page 87 of Along Came Holly

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Declan stuffed the phone back into his jeans pocket. “All right, time for the green portion of our meal.” His phone buzzed in his pocket again as he dropped the clean stalks into a frying pan and added a touch of the olive oil he’d bought. “We can work on the sauce while these cook.”

His phone went off a couple dozen more times and Holly glanced down toward the pocket of his jeans. “You sure are popular.”

“A group text for the bachelor party.”

“Ah, fun. You ready for wild shenanigans?”

Declan looked at her with what he hoped was exasperation. “Do I really look like the guy who goes wild? Grab me a bowl, will you?”

Holly grabbed one from the cupboard next to the sink and sidled up beside him, setting it on the counter. “I don’t know. A month ago, I’d have said you wouldn’t know what fun was if someone slapped you in the face with it.”

“And now?”

“You can be fun sometimes.”

“I appreciate that small concession.” Declan pushed some of her hair to the side and kissed her neck. “Go ahead and measure out half a cup of lemon juice.” Declan’s hands rested on the curves of her hips, standing behind her as he whispered instructions in her ear. When all the ingredients were in the bowl, he handed her a whisk he’d found in the drawer earlier, and he pushed his hard, aching cock into the swell of her ass. “Now, you’re going to want to mix all the ingredients in sure, circular strokes. Like this.” Using his hands on her hips, he swirled her body along with his in slow, rolling circles until her breathing was coming fast and hard. “Think you got it?”

“For now, but I might need another demonstration after dinner.”

Declan chuckled against her skin. “I’m here to help.”


Holly sat back in her chair, rubbing her stomach happily. “Oh my God, you need to start a restaurant. That was wonderful.”

“You helped.”

Holly snorted. “And yet neither one of us went for the chicken I prepared.”

“I’m going to,” Declan said, putting a second breast on his plate. “I was just being polite and waiting until you were done.”

Holly leaned forward, watching him cut into the chicken. “You know, from this angle, with the cheese oozing like this, it kinda looks like—”

“Elf,” Declan growled, cutting her off, and Holly’s cheeks warmed at the nickname. She’d hated being teased for years about her elf persona, but the way Declan said it, a warm, low rumble filled with affection, created a glow in her soul.

“It’s been a while since you called me that,” she murmured.

“Whoops. I forgot you hate it.”

“Not when you do it like that.”

Declan met her gaze, setting his fork down on his plate. “You know what you’re doing to me, don’t you?”

“Sorry,” she said with a smile, picking up her plate and utensils. “I’ll behave.”

Declan snorted. “I’ll believe that when I see it.”

Holly tugged his ear as she passed on her way to the sink, rinsing the dishes and loading them into the dishwasher.

“I can help you with that when I finish,” Declan called.

“No, it’s okay. You did the grocery shopping and most of the prep and cooking. I’ve got this. But I need my mood music.” She called out to her home device to play Six: the Musical. The first song started and Declan came up beside her, his face scrunched in confusion.

“What the heck is this?”

“Divorced. Beheaded. Died.” Holly turned her head to the side and hung her tongue out of the side of her mouth while simultaneously rolling her eyes up. With a laugh she explained, “It’s a musical about the wives of Henry the Eighth. I play it every time I clean.”

“Interesting choice.” Declan squeezed closer, rinsing off his plate and utensils.

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