Page 60 of Along Came Holly

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Declan stilled. “You wanted me to kiss you?”

“I’ve toyed with the idea a time or two before you did and I haven’t been able to think about much else since.”


Holly shrugged. “It’s like getting a taste of artisanal chocolate. You expect it to be funky because they add weird stuff in, but then you take a small bite and suddenly you’re craving the rest.”

Declan chuckled softly. “You want to kiss me again because I have weirdness in me and you crave it?”

“That was a literal take, but yes.”


Holly leaned in until she pressed against the side of his arm, her mouth brushing the shell of his ear. “I want to kiss you again.”

Declan’s hand came up, cradling the side of her face, and he turned her until their lips were aligned. “I want to kiss you, too.”

Holly closed her eyes when Declan’s lips covered hers, the soft glide of his tongue creating frissons of heat throughout her body. That brief meeting of mouths the night before had left her dazed, but this deeper exploration brought out a hunger in her and Holly’s hands came up to tangle in Declan’s hair, drawing him closer.

When they finally came up for air, Declan chuckled. “I’d say we take this show to a lower elevation, but if I don’t let you go now, your display isn’t getting done.”

Holly almost told him she didn’t care, but that would be a lie. The last thing she wanted to do was disappoint the people who came from all over Idaho, some even from out of state, to see their neighborhood displays.

“All right, but I need to collect further data from you later. Maybe tomorrow after work you could come over for dinner?”

Declan kissed her again, pulling back with a grin. “Count me in.”


Declan glanced from holly’s house to the pile of scenes, lights, and other items that made up the display on her front lawn. He’d played down the severity of the situation to Holly, but the truth was Declan was in way over his head and needed help.

Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he got ready to dial Clark when a familiar voice called, “It’s a lot, isn’t it?”

Declan turned towards Mr. James’s raspy voice, his jaw clenching at the grinning old man.

“Just planning my next step.”

“I told her not to throw her money around and go overboard, but young people like her think they know everything.”

Declan looked over at the Peanut Gallery display Mr. James had at his place, with a large blow-up Snoopy doghouse and every square inch of the house covered in Christmas lights.

“Yeah, I can see you used common sense and moderation,” Declan deadpanned.

“What was that?”

“I’m pointing out that Holly’s display isn’t any more elaborate than yours. She’s just had a streak of bad luck that’s put her behind.” Declan crossed his arms over his chest. “Know anything about that?”

“Are you accusing me of sabotage, Declan? You, after what you pulled?”

“Oh come on, man, it was a practical joke that four other guys in high school were in on, but because you had an issue with me, you held a grudge. Your car was fine. The school was fine. Just let it go.”

“You got away with it because you’re an entitled little shit, just like the rest of your generation, including that spoiled brat next door. Flaunting money she didn’t have to work for, just shaking her—”

Declan’s entire frame went rigid. “You want to walk away before you finish that sentence. Now.”

Mr. James’s eyes widened. “Are you threatening me?”

“Physically? No, sir, but you’re pissing me off and I don’t think you realize I’m not an eighteen-year-old kid under your authority anymore. I know my way around power tools and how to cover my tracks, so if I find out you’re giving Holly any more grief, I’m going to pop Snoopy’s abode when you least expect it. Are we clear?”

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