Page 14 of Along Came Holly

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“But you braved snow, cold, and slick roads instead of staying home like you claimed to enjoy.”

“Yeah, well, I needed a distraction,” Delilah said, her blue eyes twinkling. “That’s your cue to distract me.”

“Unfortunately, I have nothing exciting to report. I am an incredibly boring single female who no one wants to emulate.” Holly hummed as she took another sip of her coffee, adding as an afterthought, “I am having trouble coming up with an elf stunt this week.”

“What haven’t you done?”

“I don’t know. Want to drag me behind your car on a sled?”

Delilah brushed a dark strand of hair out of her face, eyes wide behind her black glasses frames. “That sounds incredibly stupid and dangerous.”

“That’s kind of the point. I’m the Adventure Elf, remember?”

“Yes, but I thought you were going to hang up your pointy elf hat and go in a new direction.”

“I am, but I feel like I need to send off the last seven years of my life with a bang.”

“Well, I cannot help you there, my friend. The most excitement and on-the-edge living I do is wasting ten bucks a week playing the Idaho lottery.”

“You’re a wild child for sure,” Holly teased. “I’m surprised you don’t have a sub job today.”

“No, I need to get this article done by Friday and I’ve been stuck on what to write. So I’m not taking any teaching jobs until this is finished.”

“Which is why you are here stealing my coffee instead of working?”

“Hey, I came over for best friend time, not so you can bust my ovaries.” She walked over to Holly’s fridge and opened the door, grabbing the container of half-and-half Holly kept in there for Delilah.

“I’m not busting, I am simply holding you accountable.”

“Well, stop it. I don’t want to think about it for the twenty minutes it will take me to finish this coffee and visit with you.” Delilah hopped up on one of the stools, her thick jean-clad legs dangling in the air. She barely crossed the five-foot mark and had suffered through bullying for being short and plus-size her entire childhood, but she’d never let it get to her, firing back until she stopped being a target. Delilah wore her individuality like an armor, sporting glasses with magnetic frames she could change out with her mood, and funny t-shirts with funky patterned leggings and skirts. Holly had told her about the Adventure Elf channel when they were both nineteen, and Delilah had been her biggest fan and bought her the silly costume in the first place. It was why she loved her dearly, and although Holly loved to give her a bad time, she didn’t care a whit if Delilah dropped by to raid her coffee stores.

“Okay, we aren’t talking about the article.” Holly sat next to her at the breakfast bar, cradling her mug in her hands. “What should we discuss?”

“Don’t you want to open your present first? Maybe it’s chocolate.”

“There’s usually some candy and small things inside.” Holly took a drink of her coffee and set it down. “Stop staring at me. I’ll open it, okay?”


Holly rolled her eyes and ripped off the bow, followed by the shiny paper, revealing the plain brown box beneath. She sliced the tape along the creases of the box with her fingernail and lifted the lid—

POP! She barely had time to shut her eyes before a cloud of something exploded in her face. Holly coughed and wiped at her eyes, blinking tiny flecks out of her lashes so she could look down at her sparkling hands.

Glitter. She’d been hit by a glitter bomb.

“What the heck?” Delilah hollered, taking the box from her. “There’s a nail in the side and a busted balloon. Who would do this?”

“I don’t know,” Holly mumbled, jumping to her feet and rushing to the sink to wash the grainy bits out of her mouth.

“Wait, there’s something else in here,” Delilah called behind her. “‘Stay out of my store, Elf.’ It’s just signed ‘D.’ Who’s D?”

The mouthful of water she’d taken in rushed out from between her lips when she realized that Declan hadn’t turned over a new leaf but had spent the weekend plotting revenge. She could almost appreciate the prank if she wasn’t the one currently hacking up a glitter ball.

She splashed some water in her face, running her palms over her eyes and cheeks as she turned around. “Declan Gallagher.”

“Why, though? What did you do to him besides play your Christmas music too loud?”

“I used the emergency key to create the display in their storefront window.”

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